Sunday, September 6, 2015

The Karmic Love - A Teaser

Countless triangular love stories have been written and depicted in novels and movies alike. I wondered why not give the stories a new tstwi and a run for their money through The Karmic Love.

The  Karmic Love has been pending in the pipeline for a very long time - 2 years - to be very precise. It will not be just any random romblog but also portray a very close reflection of my personal life for some of the characters in this tale. 

Without much ado, I would like to give a glimpse and gist of the story.

The teaser:

A loves B who loves C. But, C is madly in love with D. Unfortunately and unknown to A, D loves A. Upon the arrival of E, D immediately falls in love with E. One character discovers that she is a lesbian during the course of the story. A's best friend also has a crush on B.

Who marries whom? Does at least any of the 5 characters eventually and ultimately become a romantic pair ?  Best friend's crush crushed or became a joyful happy ending?  What happens to the lesbian?

For answers to these probing questions, kindly wait, watch and follow my blog column regularly.

F marries one of them in the story.

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