As you may remember that Part 3 had a nail-biter of a question to end for a smashing finish in this blog,
V: How can u be so sure that u only live once? Just because Science hasn't proved rebirth, it doesn't mean that rebirth doesn't exist..It may or it may not...Once upon a time, Pluto was a, it's not...IMHO, Science is all about addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of the objective reality based on extensive and exhaustive observations and recordings with the available technology at hand..Who knows..someday in the future, some one can prove that one of the greatest mind Einstein's theory is wrong...This being the case, to outrightly dismiss that there is no such thing as rebirth is pure stupidity..even if eminent scientists say that rebirth is bullshit, they are going against the fundamental principles of science itself - to be open minded and question the nature of reality..just because they can't prove it as of now, it doesn't mean rebirth doesn't exist...kindly don't say that science hasn't proved the existence of unicorns and dragons and Godzillas, so does it mean they are alive....
I am still saying that I am not against the demonstration of acts of love through material objects...I have given my observation at length for Ur First comment...all I concluded was that love shouldn't be solely dependent on the value of material objects but it should actually be between the 2 souls for a truly happy life..I will extend it further..A gives a really priceless gift to B for every bday..but, when B falls sick, A just writes a cheque or swipes a card and spends money on them in a top quality hospital with best facilities without actually being in person to take care of them..24*7 with B is not practically possible as A also has work to do...But, if A doesnt even visit B in the hospital to see how they are recovering, is it love?
S: First of all there is no rebirth. We are all basically machines run by bio energy. Our fuel is food. After a point of time there is no way a machine can be refurbished and can only be condemned. Science cannot prove rebirth as there is nothing of that sort. When A doesn't take care of B when B is sick then it isn't love. A cannot be there 24x7 but B will understand that if B loves A. But what is wrong in expressing love by materialism if it gives a short lived happiness. Love is an emotion and a feeling that cannot be described. It must be felt and given back to enjoy it.
If you express love only when A or B is sick and other times just be passive and detached then I don't see a point of enjoying and feeling love.
Whatever i see nothing wrong in expressing love via materialism. But it can only be a way of expression but love is something that comes automatically not subject to materialistic possession
V: .Human Beings? Machines? Seriously?? Machines aren't sentient beings capable of loving or feeling or giving birth to least the today's AI is in a nascent stage that hasn't become so advanced now..As u have a strong belief and considering that human beings are nothing more than only machines, there's no use in speaking on rebirth anymore.I will just say one thing..300yrs ago, had anyone said that we are surrounded by invisible radiation like Microwaves, ppl would have laughed and ridiculed those who had put forth this thought.
How am I able to say it with such categorical certainty? History hasn't spared (read: Brutal and Heartless) ppl like Bruno or Galileo when they propounded the Helio-Centric Theory..Just imagine what would have happened to anyone who had said that invisible rays are swirling around us..I am actually horrified to even imagine the plight if such an instance happened..In the end, everyone knows that the Earth revolves around the sun despite the strong (Read: Strong and wrong) belief that the sun revolved around the earth which prevailed at that point in time...Oh...By the way, Microwaves also exist as many of us use it to cook, or grill or reheat tasty food...
."Short-lived happiness" is a dicey terminology. 80 yrs? 50 yrs? 5 yrs? 5 mins? 2 secs? What is short-lived happiness? My small brain isn't able to understand what u r trying to say here, machi..

Deiiiii.....that's what I am also saying it from the beginning....If material possessions are used as ways of expression, then it's fine..But, big problem arises when ppl perceive and equate the material possessions as love itself...Even if u r not in love or loaded with infatuation, a person can still lavish the other person with fancy gifts...U can possibly say that I am preaching or giving lip service...Unless an individual has internalized the observations and learning from experiences, they will be unable to articulate anything with precision and simplify things else the ppl will just parrot from wherever they have read or seen or listened or make an oral observation like "Sun is shining"...
With this, the denouement of the discussion between us was up in the air.
But, I will bring to its right logical conclusion as to how Love ought to be so that it creates an endearing, super-strong and ever-lasting connection between the two souls involved.
For any couple to live happily ever after like in Disney Movies,
the two persons should necessarily have the same core values as children upbringing, money-saving & spending, right & wrong but varied interests like movies, music, drama etc.
The reason why I said common moral principles should exist is that it is then the relationship has a solid foundation between them and similarity of values is essentially important to have sustained bond in the long run.
Dissimilarity in tastes and preferences like songs, dance, books etc. can help each other to widen and broaden their depth in better understanding and appreciation of each other. Also, it gives both an opportunity to tease, poke jokes, make fun and learn new things.
Variety is the spice of life, right?
Generalizing on a global level, when we are able to rejoice the parity and celebrate the disparity, then the world becomes a blessed place and a heaven for every person on the Planet to not only survive and live but also thrive and blossom to their fullest potentials.
Generalizing on a global level, when we are able to rejoice the parity and celebrate the disparity, then the world becomes a blessed place and a heaven for every person on the Planet to not only survive and live but also thrive and blossom to their fullest potentials.
However, if the similarity is there in secondary attributes like movies and dissimilarity in the primary attribute as the foundational structure, then things will be all smiles in the initial stages but thunderstorms with bright lightning are sure to threaten the very existence of the relationship.
Such a case is definite to rock the boat and in the worst-case scenario flounder it as well unless the couple has the deep inclination to be with each other.
Better to be single or wait till you meet the right person than be in a r'ship filled with doubts, suspicions, daily fights and constant ugly altercations that makes life miserable for both the ppl once the early intense love based on secondary attributes, money, wealth, intelligence, beauty, affluence, social status and connections fizzles out that are based on pre-determined conditions and fixed checklists.
Long-term and rock-solid committed r'ship that will easily last 80 to 100yrs built on unconditional love will survive any storm because the people in the r'ship are the top-priority and not their petty, inflated egos.
Of course, fights will be there in it as well.
But, it wouldn't be blown out of proportion and be well-within control as the primary focus of such a love is to sustain the r'ship and not to look for ways to end it.
Whatever I have said above regarding the similarity in core values and dissimilarity in choices and the subsequent points, I don't have any empirical statistics to back me as the learning is based solely on my personal experiences.
And, this is my definition and prescription of True Love as well for a happy and joyous life.
PS 1:
If you may have a doubt as to how Part 1 has a connection with the other parts which principally deals with love, lust, and infatuation, it's due to the fact that love is an experience that must be savored and relished to the very last bit even in the horrible-of-the-terrible scenario that it ends up in a heart-wrenching heartache due to vicissitudes of fate as separation or death.
PS 2:
Now, you know why I began this wheel of a series with experience and have ended up by citing experience and completing a circularly logical link for every part with one another just like the rotation of the wheel!
PS 1:
If you may have a doubt as to how Part 1 has a connection with the other parts which principally deals with love, lust, and infatuation, it's due to the fact that love is an experience that must be savored and relished to the very last bit even in the horrible-of-the-terrible scenario that it ends up in a heart-wrenching heartache due to vicissitudes of fate as separation or death.
PS 2:
Now, you know why I began this wheel of a series with experience and have ended up by citing experience and completing a circularly logical link for every part with one another just like the rotation of the wheel!
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