Ah! Yes.
Even I know this has been a sufficiently long read for anyone to even keep track of anything and everything that has been heatedly and cooly exchanged between us. No matter how eruptive or frigid the nature of our discussion has been traversing topsy-turvy, I hope you are finding it as a deeply enriching and nutritious experience.
Let me just give a quick recap as to where Part 4 ended in a nail-biter so that you can easily recall your already loaded memory from day-to-day activities thereby I play a very small part in simplifying your lives for the better.
V: And you have likened farming as a recreational activity?? SERIOUSLY?? It's recreational only for rich ppl who automatically get benefits from the Govt. WITHOUT WORKING HARD. Not for poor farmers who sweat and break their backs. I don't have to tell u how many commit suicide. U know it better than me.
The finale in this series begins now:
S: I am not lying when I told you that the benefits came automatically. O can prove it. Farming for ME is a recreational activity I never said it is for others. Similarly , ishing for me is recreational while for others it is bread and butter. For me providing a part for the electrical infrastructure or for a car is not recreational. But for you when you drive for pleasure using my product is recreational. Everybody WORKS HARD. I don't sit and eat and it is not that everything comes to me automatically. So don't compare cheese and chalk. We are here to talk about game hunting/fishing for recreational purpose. Let's stick to it. In my opinion as a recreational activity fishing, hunting, farming and horticulture all come under the same banner. Since as per you it is right only to eat Non veg in extremely cold climate(I am assuming so since I haven't got a reply yet) you will not understand the similarity. So keep supporting Vegetarianism but don't think that what you have said is right. It may right from your point of view but it is not for me. As i said above- "What is food for me is poison to you".
V: You are extremely kind enough to give me sufficient anti-matter to annihilate your distorted perspective and understanding of whatever I have said nt only from one front but all fronts. Pls refrain and restrain yourself from commenting until u have heard me out completely. Unless u r a thorough idiot (which I knw u r not), kindly hve the patience and most importantly, tolerance till I say I have finished. Fair enough, right?
1) "Don't compare chalk & cheese' - I have not said anywhere that u don't work hard or getting benefits from the govt. Everything was voluntarily said by u in ur desperate need to prove ur 'walk the talk' concerning the farming which U had brought it up on ur own accord. In fact, it was you who gave the analogy that farming is a recreational activity. I didn't say it. So, I will save ur precious time by sharing ur own words as I respect not only others' time but mine as well..
2) I never said anywhere that u were lying when u said u got benefits from the Govt. Then, why is that u r saying u will prove it? I don't doubt it as I know how much ur dad had bent his back and gave his everything to ur company. I also know that ur personal dream and want it to be in the stock market. So, why in the god-damn hell will I even think to say that u aren't working hard. But, ppl may start doubting or questioning the intentions if a person is unnecessarily trying hard to convince them just like an accomplished salesperson who tries to persuade the customers with their smooth talk to buy their product.
3) Achuchooooo..U don't sit and eat huh? Udamba Paathuko machi....Science categorically dictates that it's bad for health if a person walks/ runs and eats. It's ur wish. Take care of ur health da. Only then, u can achieve ur dream with full flying colors.
4) "Since as per you it is right only to eat Non veg in extremely cold climate(I am assuming..".....Sadly, you have already assumed and confirmed ur false belief for the second time. U want to know when was the first time? You can go up the thread and check ur words. No. Wait. Better. I will save ur time by sharing this.
I have already articulated that only inane dunderheads will say such a thing. But, since u r stupidly relentless and asking a journalistic-kinda question time after time for this irrelevant and bagatelle point when we are here to talk about game hunting/fishing for recreational purpose and you are not sticking to it by asking trifling issue that's not pertinent to the subject matter under consideration - let me also repay u in the same currency with interest as bonus.
S: I have already said what I have said. As a recreation farming is similar to fishing, hunting etc. Are you going to dispute it? I keep asking you the question for a straight answer because you refuse to put it in simple English and words like "No eating Non veg in hot places is also not wrong". When you refuse to give a simple straight answer it is clear your motives are hidden. Spare me your sarcasm. U attacked me personally saying about not working hard and now your saying some sarcastic gibberish about standing and eating. And I have a big question to ask:- u said killing for monetary purpose is wrong. So what will you say about butchers who kill for money? Are they committing a sin?
V: 5) Whenever I give out my opinion, I don't expect others to follow it. If you feel I am making more sense than most people, you are free to follow it else I don't give a rat fuck. But since you have specifically asking my opinion on this trivial thing? Let me just repose a simple question back to u again. Supposing I say Yes, will people stop eating non-veg from today? Or supposing I say No, will people not stop eating non-veg from today? I am just an inconsequential, insignificant, small, tiny, educated and tax-paying citizen in a corner of Chennai. My opinion on this isn't going to change a damn. Why...Even the most powerful person in our country - Modi Ji - He appeals time and again to all of us from not littering the roads with waste or urinating or spitting in public - How many give respect to his words and follow it to make our country a cleaner and better nation? The moment he turns his back, even those who give nice smiling fotos with him, they might throw paper cups and plastic on the roads. For the elected representative of a large and vast country, this is how it pans out. Then, who am I? No one in relation and before those who are powerful with money, power and influence. But, still to answer ur question, the Constitution of India is bigger than any of us. Whatever rocks ones' boats as long as u r well-within the laws and not hurt and harm others.
S: Since you have clearly attacked me on front I will also give you back with full compound kanduvatti interest. If you say killing an animal for monetary purpose is sin then you are calling all butchers as sinners. If that is your opinion then I'm sorry my friend you are a fanatic Hindu right wing activist and I can't argue with fanatics. I'm not asking you the question to follow your words. U know very well I will never do that. I am asking it to prove your bias. And because of that bias you will not understand what the other side thinks. Either you rephrase your statement about "killing animals for recreational and monetary purpose" as "killing animals for a sadistic pleasure" or you accept your fanatism. Either way it's your choice. I have heard you out fully and even after all my contentions you stick to your one sided theory which in my opinion is against non vegetarians. So it is very clear that your intentions are just more than just condemning killing animals for pleasure.
V: Can hear u a cling-cling-chung sound? That's my heart breaking, machi.
You didn't have even the patience and tolerance to hear me out fully and once again, proved urself on ur own volition that u r a complete idiot by urself stating that I am hiding behind motives..hidden..secret etc etc....based on ur unwarranted assumptions. So, who is biased here?
V: ."Spare me your sarcasm. U attacked me personally saying about not working hard".....I never had sarcasm when I said it. Just cared about ur well- being when u said u don't sit and eat. This is precisely what I said u have a distorted perspective when I said earlier. FYI
S: Any sane person reading this thread would have found that out by now. And I'm not an idiot. I'm not a lunatic to not find the sarcasm in that stand and eat comment. Don't think people are idiots and dumb.
V: BY the way, I didn't attack u personally. Y would I do that when I know how run and drive around to Korea for upgrading your machines and streamlining ur process, machi. It was ur own words and I rephrased it as "without working hard'. Infact , ur exact words were " btw, I DIDNT TOIL HARD"... ur words...and i just said it as U DIDNT WORK HARD..... the spirit of the meaning is the same....
I have clearly stated that kindly give me time to fully respond and then u say urs. But, like the debates in Prime Time News Channels, you have nt shown any basic sensitivity, consideration, respect and courtesy and have simply gone on a lengthy tirade in ur blind and hasty pursuit to character assassinate me by calling me names like 'fanatic' based on your whims and fancies even when I well-intended that u should take care of your health but u accused me of 'being sarcasm'...

I didn't even finish my points and you had started to make accusations against me like a seasoned politician. Most well-educated ppl will infer your rash act as an uncivil, uncultured, brash and uncouth behavior. Don't blame me for what most people will infer, machi. I exclusively asked you to give me some time until I had made my points before u post ur comments. But, did u wait? U JUMPED THE GUN and IN COMPLETE CONSCIOUS DENIAL THAT U DID IT by explicitly, shamelessly and brazenly saying "I haven't jumped any gun boss" - that's what whoever is reading will make out of it. Pls don't ever ever put the blame on me that I didn't ask you to wait. You Jumped the GUN even before I began my point 5
1) "Don't compare chalk & cheese' - I have not said anywhere that u don't work hard or getting benefits from the govt. Everything was voluntarily said by u in ur desperate need to prove ur 'walk the talk' concerning the farming which U had brought it up on ur own accord. In fact, it was you who gave the analogy that farming is a recreational activity. I didn't say it. So, I will save ur precious time by sharing ur own words as I respect not only others' time but mine as well..
2) I never said anywhere that u were lying when u said u got benefits from the Govt. Then, why is that u r saying u will prove it? I don't doubt it as I know how much ur dad had bent his back and gave his everything to ur company. I also know that ur personal dream and want it to be in the stock market. So, why in the god-damn hell will I even think to say that u aren't working hard. But, ppl may start doubting or questioning the intentions if a person is unnecessarily trying hard to convince them just like an accomplished salesperson who tries to persuade the customers with their smooth talk to buy their product.
3) Achuchooooo..U don't sit and eat huh? Udamba Paathuko machi....Science categorically dictates that it's bad for health if a person walks/ runs and eats. It's ur wish. Take care of ur health da. Only then, u can achieve ur dream with full flying colors.
4) "Since as per you it is right only to eat Non veg in extremely cold climate(I am assuming..".....Sadly, you have already assumed and confirmed ur false belief for the second time. U want to know when was the first time? You can go up the thread and check ur words. No. Wait. Better. I will save ur time by sharing this.
I have already articulated that only inane dunderheads will say such a thing. But, since u r stupidly relentless and asking a journalistic-kinda question time after time for this irrelevant and bagatelle point when we are here to talk about game hunting/fishing for recreational purpose and you are not sticking to it by asking trifling issue that's not pertinent to the subject matter under consideration - let me also repay u in the same currency with interest as bonus.
S: I have already said what I have said. As a recreation farming is similar to fishing, hunting etc. Are you going to dispute it? I keep asking you the question for a straight answer because you refuse to put it in simple English and words like "No eating Non veg in hot places is also not wrong". When you refuse to give a simple straight answer it is clear your motives are hidden. Spare me your sarcasm. U attacked me personally saying about not working hard and now your saying some sarcastic gibberish about standing and eating. And I have a big question to ask:- u said killing for monetary purpose is wrong. So what will you say about butchers who kill for money? Are they committing a sin?
V: 5) Whenever I give out my opinion, I don't expect others to follow it. If you feel I am making more sense than most people, you are free to follow it else I don't give a rat fuck. But since you have specifically asking my opinion on this trivial thing? Let me just repose a simple question back to u again. Supposing I say Yes, will people stop eating non-veg from today? Or supposing I say No, will people not stop eating non-veg from today? I am just an inconsequential, insignificant, small, tiny, educated and tax-paying citizen in a corner of Chennai. My opinion on this isn't going to change a damn. Why...Even the most powerful person in our country - Modi Ji - He appeals time and again to all of us from not littering the roads with waste or urinating or spitting in public - How many give respect to his words and follow it to make our country a cleaner and better nation? The moment he turns his back, even those who give nice smiling fotos with him, they might throw paper cups and plastic on the roads. For the elected representative of a large and vast country, this is how it pans out. Then, who am I? No one in relation and before those who are powerful with money, power and influence. But, still to answer ur question, the Constitution of India is bigger than any of us. Whatever rocks ones' boats as long as u r well-within the laws and not hurt and harm others.
S: Since you have clearly attacked me on front I will also give you back with full compound kanduvatti interest. If you say killing an animal for monetary purpose is sin then you are calling all butchers as sinners. If that is your opinion then I'm sorry my friend you are a fanatic Hindu right wing activist and I can't argue with fanatics. I'm not asking you the question to follow your words. U know very well I will never do that. I am asking it to prove your bias. And because of that bias you will not understand what the other side thinks. Either you rephrase your statement about "killing animals for recreational and monetary purpose" as "killing animals for a sadistic pleasure" or you accept your fanatism. Either way it's your choice. I have heard you out fully and even after all my contentions you stick to your one sided theory which in my opinion is against non vegetarians. So it is very clear that your intentions are just more than just condemning killing animals for pleasure.
V: Can hear u a cling-cling-chung sound? That's my heart breaking, machi.

V: ."Spare me your sarcasm. U attacked me personally saying about not working hard".....I never had sarcasm when I said it. Just cared about ur well- being when u said u don't sit and eat. This is precisely what I said u have a distorted perspective when I said earlier. FYI
S: Any sane person reading this thread would have found that out by now. And I'm not an idiot. I'm not a lunatic to not find the sarcasm in that stand and eat comment. Don't think people are idiots and dumb.
V: BY the way, I didn't attack u personally. Y would I do that when I know how run and drive around to Korea for upgrading your machines and streamlining ur process, machi. It was ur own words and I rephrased it as "without working hard'. Infact , ur exact words were " btw, I DIDNT TOIL HARD"... ur words...and i just said it as U DIDNT WORK HARD..... the spirit of the meaning is the same....
Cutting down to the pith by removing all the unessentials, and then, those were:
S: Give me straight answers to these if you can. No GRE gibberish or beating about bush. I want a straight shootout.
V: Sigh. Double Sigh. Heavy Sigh.
I am really disappointed and dejected when u said "crying victory". It just shows how u r taking up this discussion, machi. I am viewing it as an opportunity to expand the truth to its logical conclusion. But, u just want to hunt down a harmless and innocent person as me like an animal in a wild reserve by directly stating and indirectly intending victory and defeat in this stimulating exchange of ideas and views. That's how I am seeing it. But, U? Ppl will understand that u r tyrannically viewing me as a quarry in ur hunting expedition, machi. 

I have clearly stated that kindly give me time to fully respond and then u say urs. But, like the debates in Prime Time News Channels, you have nt shown any basic sensitivity, consideration, respect and courtesy and have simply gone on a lengthy tirade in ur blind and hasty pursuit to character assassinate me by calling me names like 'fanatic' based on your whims and fancies even when I well-intended that u should take care of your health but u accused me of 'being sarcasm'...

I didn't even finish my points and you had started to make accusations against me like a seasoned politician. Most well-educated ppl will infer your rash act as an uncivil, uncultured, brash and uncouth behavior. Don't blame me for what most people will infer, machi. I exclusively asked you to give me some time until I had made my points before u post ur comments. But, did u wait? U JUMPED THE GUN and IN COMPLETE CONSCIOUS DENIAL THAT U DID IT by explicitly, shamelessly and brazenly saying "I haven't jumped any gun boss" - that's what whoever is reading will make out of it. Pls don't ever ever put the blame on me that I didn't ask you to wait. You Jumped the GUN even before I began my point 5
If you have waited till I had completed my point 5 and then made ur gibberish shootouts, you will know that I have already answered ur 'butcher monatery' when I said in point 5 itself that our Constitution is bigger than all of us. You didn't have the patience to wait till I finished my points but jumped the gun, boss. By the way, when I said monatery in my status, I intended poaching where ppl slaughter elephants, rhinos etc for their ivories, tusks. I was going to say it in point 6 - But, U JUMPED THE GUN and INTERRUPTED IT. Only those demented and retarded will have a preposterous line of reasoning to unjustifiably assume things according to their comforts and conveniences.
U r a state-ranker in both 10th and 12th, boss. So, u r more intelligent than me. But, even an ordinary person with basic intellectual capacity will have understood by now that I see plants, animals or milk as food and means to survival and that I am not against hunting if it is for food. I have already and transparently stated it as well previously.
FYI again
But, when a person is guided by animalistic instincts and blood-thirsty attitudes to harm, hurt, maim, mutilate, injure, wound, bruise, stab, shoot or lacerate, they will easily lose track of things coz of their intensely and deeply parochial mindsets by heartlessly hunting down innocuous and harmless beings like me by making vitriolic and waspish adumbrate statements like "Being sarcastic", "Fanatic"
Yes..Some words here are fucking GRE and I Rat-Fucking use it only when it's absolutely apt unlike a gibberish line of nonsensical, absurd and block-headed reasoning by jumping the gun and then completely oblivious to it.
U still haven't given me straight answers as to who gave u the damn moral authority to mercilessly kill animals in a wild reserve?
Are u God?
Are the animal's parents?
You cannot answer it. Can you?
Don't give me ludicrous bull-shitting responses like rules are there in reserves- THEY ARE MAN-MADE. If those are created for the thrills of being pleased with the sight and smell of blood rather than for food and survival, it's nothing short of savagery and worse than animals.
Thanks for your invigorating and unwarranted stabbing slurs like "Being Sarcasm" and "Fanatic". Cannot blame u too. Our Ancient Forefathers (Read: Hinduism) were super-intelligent and wise when they stated that food influences the behavior of a person and you have just authoritatively proven it through your excessive ardor for unreasonable assumptions, extraordinarily unsound stereotypes and well-grounded invalid arguments that still doesn't answer who gave you the moral authority to kill animals?
Closing the thread.
And thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your "Being Sarcasm", "Fanatic" when I wasn't.
It means so much to me.
S: Thanks for closing the thread. There is no point arguing with someone who gives answers only when cornered like when I cornered you for answers. Till that point I never got answers only vague gibberish. And if what I have told is gibberish and invalid arguments so are yours. As per me opinion if someone reads your thread they will know the bias I was trying to prove. Don't tell me you are harmless and I am full of malice. When u give a answer only at the point of being cornered there is nothing to say you are harmless. It was you who started calling me an idiot and as a person not working hard etc etc. So it is tit for Tat. U want a war I will give you one. That's me. And one word of advice don't use this GRE gibberish to disguise and escape from addressing a point head on. And who gave authority to kill an animal in reserve I have already answered it. It is fucking Law of both society and nature. The same law that u had conveniently used to bypass the monetary question before being forced to answer. The same law of nature that lets u farm a carrot and pluck it and eat. Period. Thanks for reminding me that there are people who still call others idiot in public and then cry about being attacked and abused.
V: Thanks all for your valuable inputs

V: And, I am sincerely sorry if anyone including Shivraj Subbiah had perceived that I was calling them inappropriate names. That was never ever my intention until it was brought to my attention and notice of 'tit-tat' comment by my good friend. My deepest regrets if anyone else had wrongly perceived like it.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for having the rich heart to spar e some moments and read through this seemingly never-ending thread despite your hectic schedule and busy day. With technology at your fingertips, you are not only learned but also world-savvy. Your sensible mind knows who is right and who is restrictedly right. I place the verdict in your responsible hands.
Thank you again!
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