Unless you are truly cool, calm, composed and collected, there is every possibility that the other person's point will be wrongly interpreted or falsely inferred when you are trying to ascertain the truth in its full glory and splendor particularly when there is a blazing and energetic display of logic and reason in the course of sharing of ideas and knowledge between and amongst the people.
Whether the other person is right or wrong in their splintered view of the whole reality is an entirely different proposition altogether - it just shows their way of thinking that's strongly influenced by a variety of significant factors such as culture, religion, interests, likes, dislikes, preferences, attitudes, beliefs, personality, opinions etc.
You really can't and shouldn't blame them as they have been brought up in a specific manner under a blinkered set of circumstances even if they are wrong in their world-view. Depending on the person, either try to enlighten them by removing their mental fogginess like a sun dispelling the cloud or let them be happy in their muddled thought process. There is no way you can straighten a bent dog's tail - at least naturally!
But, should these numerous determinants interfere like an officious salesperson when you have a rally and volley of mutual exchange of ideas especially when you know that many of us see only a partial segment of the larger reality and insanely yet sanely possess it as a gospel truth?
On top of it, most of us lack the necessary discipline of acceptable patience and tolerance when someone gives a contrary facet that challenges our pre-existing beliefs and opinions which we have falsely accepted and held it as the absolute truth when no one has the full concatenation of the train of thought from start to end in its entirety?
It's in this highly polemical environment that I had a fascinating and eye-opening verbal fusillade with one of my good friends on Facebook to triumphantly reach the truth on one of the post.
Whether we reached or not, I leave it to you after you had finished reading the complete thread.
The status is as follows:
" Killing for recreational and monetary purposes - both humans and animals - is an unpardonable and a macabre sin. Anyone disagrees to this is nothing short of an abhorrent and abject person.
Even in the worst-case scenario, if an evil and vile person intends to destroy a harmless snake, then kill it, burn it and scatter the ashes else there is the remotest possibility that the badly wounded snake will slowly recuperate, steadily recover, heal completely and come back at its tormentors at such speed, agility, heightened intelligence and precise venom that it's like moving through air.
Nature has bountiful lessons to propine us when we keep our eyes open."
Below, A is my relative, S is my good friend whom I referred above and V is myself.
I think it should say killing by humans.. Coz kill and eat is a part of life in nature
V: Whether Veg or Non-Veg, even we humans kill and eat....Yes..We vegetarians as well are no exceptions as it's absolutely necessary like breathing air.....Only a fool will be in denial of the basic fact....But, I'm sure u also know about Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic ways of how a food plays a vital and major part in shaping a person's mentality...Some dismiss it as a mere pseudo-science without fully understanding how it impacts the lifestyle of a person...Our ancient ancestors (read: Hinduism) were super-intelligent and wise when it came to the proper functioning of a person at an individual and societal level...Sadly, we corrupted it for our ulterior selfish movies and now in a state of no return...
V: But, yes....I will make it more clearly now as Killing for recreational and monetary purposes - both humans and animals! ...Is that okay ? 

So, you think this was the riveting discussed I spoke about?
Fat chance!
It began as innocent as a drizzle like this:
S: Poda...enakku hunting pidikum...in fact I am planning my next trip to a gaming reserve during hunting season...enna periya sin mannu nu...by your logic even killing ants, cockroach and lizards is sin....intha sin gun ellam summa...poi life ah jolly ah enjoy pannu....
V: You forgot mosquitoes also....by the way, there are several ways by which an individual can enjoy life without hurting and harming others by living and letting other beings live....if it's Ur idea of having fun is to torture and torment animals and birds, that's Ur conscious choice....pls don't bring in saying Zoo also has animals kept in captivity...
This was just the lull before the storm.
As time progressed, our discussion, slowly and steadily, became into a good shower and ultimately, it culminated into a raging cyclone punctuated with flashy lightning and growling thunder.
X---To Be Concluded---X
To preserve the nativity of the discussions' talking points, I didn't translate them into English from Tamil. Do forgive for the inconvenience.
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