Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Ideas Ideas Everywhere - Part 3

For those who might be confusticated as to what's the deep mess that is happening in this blog, Part 1 and Part 2 will surely alleviate your worries and keep you relaxed to enjoy the rest of Part 3.

K:  If the govt was so bothered about the physical and mental well being of its people.....it should have improved healthcare, education and employment.....in fact it should de-privatize education and healthcare...... even drinking water..... but no that is too much work for the govt isn't it.....so let's impose yoga...

V: And I have categorically stated that I am against anything that is detrimental to the ppl in any way. So, is the Govt's duty to take care of not only the biz tycoons but also those who struggle to earn their 🍞 for even one course.

K:  Fasting during Ekadashi and Shivaratri is not a part of Hinduism.....its a part of Brahminism.......Will you be able to sell your idea of yoga to a daily wage laborer? A manual scavenger? And by the way fasting for one whole month at a stretch does not give the same results as fasting during Ekadashi or shivarathri.....

V: I said I will impose Yoga if I am the Govt. Fortunately or unfortunately, I am not. So, I don't have to worry abt daily wage laborer or manual scavenger now or rack my brains to get a feasible and workable solution on how to make everyone do Yoga when I am not a politician. So now, u might say whether it's my wishful or idealistic thinking that propelled me to the idea if imposition of Yoga. No, it's not. I did not think it through as I am not a politician. Will u waste Ur time and energy on things which u know won't hpn?

K: Unfortunately that's how BJP is behaving too.....since i found that you share the same ideology of "not thinking through" I thought that I could at least help you think before you rant about yoga and its importance......and claim it to be a sarvanivarani......

V: Since you are subjectively and selectively picking out only those points in our discussion that reinforces your already decided and pronounced verdict that I am a certified bhakthal, I cannot stop you from doing it. You are not going to change Ur mind even if natural evidence is gvn to u and just going to cling to Ur false belief that I am a certified bhakthal. Iwill just say 2 things before I sign off. For now. If tmrw RaGa comes out with an outstanding course of action for our country's progress or Kejriwal uses his IIT brains to chart and accelerate the welfare of the ppl, I am in for them. But, will they? I don't know. The only person who is doing in that direction is Modi Ji.

Second. If I were a politician, I wld have first addressed the primary concerns plaguing the ppl irrespective whether they are Ambanis or Scavengers. Only after that I wld have even thought of imposing Yoga on everyone. I don't know whether u understood my point of view as I have clearly understood urs as labelling me a certified bhakthal to bolster Ur delusional truth when I had given you the Maslow's Hierarchy in the beginning of the conversation. Without solving the basic problems, it's nearly impossible to even think of making ppl to practice Yoga or meditation. So, yes. I have myself acknowledged, accepted, admitted and confessed that I did not think through for Yoga to be practiced by daily labourers or Scavengers as there were several hurdles before it can be even implemented and not expend my exertion of my thought process to the grass roots when I am not a decision-maker and plenty of issues to be tied up. But, I have the understanding enough to solve all the basic needs and essentials of the deprived and common ppl first before proceeding to asanas and pranayama to them. So, anything more on BJP's modus operandi, pls contact the concerned person and get your queries answered. I am not the right person pa.

K:  In direction to accelerate welfare of the people? By dropping the growth rate? And addressing issues like farmers suicide by imposing yoga? By snatching mid-day meal schemes in govt schools and shoving aadhar card down their throats ?...... great acceleration of welfare !!! 

Good that you finally understood Maslow's hierarchy theory......and i hope you will also extend this understanding to the current social political and economic scenario before addressing Modi as someone who working towards acceleration of people's welfare....

V: Ada pagutharivu raniye....let us take this step by step....Did you speak abt Maslow's hierarchy first? No. Did you make me understand Maslow's hierarchy in the way the explanation was given? No. Did u explain that material happiness needs to be first satisfied and only then yoga should be done? No. Did I call you an Anti-National? No. Your sole intention was to discredit me by calling and ranting that I was a certified bhakthal again and again based on half-baked, incomplete judgements that satisfies your ego which saves your own face from being wrong in the public which is clearly evident from the FACT OF YOUR STATEMENT "Good that you finally understood Maslows hierarchy theory". A true pagutharivu person sees things as they are and not as their ego wants and demands to be seen just to safeguard their individual fragile self-picture of themselves.

Now, you are either going to continue your ranting about Modi Ji in some way or the other or make ad hominem attacks on me. Let me give you a heads-up. If you are doing the former, I have already said it and I will say it again "pls contact the concerned person and get your queries answered". If you are going to do the latter, you are just proving my point that this entire discussion is about that FACT that you want to be seemed right and make me look wrong. The choice is yours.

K: I am not interested in making me seem right or you seem wrong......I am just surprised that you who first spoke about Maslows hierarchy failed to see that yoga is not an important direction to head into for the conuntry's development and call these measures as acceleration of people's welfare.......

V: Never I mentioned Yoga to be acceleration of people's welfare or that Yoga should trump up "proper amenities" without actually giving relief to the basic and essential pain points of the common man.......You can check out the complete thread if you wish....I wouldn't have said such a thing other than saying that my support will be even for Kejriwal if he strategizes an action plan that accelerates the welfare of the ppl..My articulation of my verbalization is clear and simple....How would you feel if I misquote you and say something which u did not? Good huh?

K: You did mention that right now Modi is the only one working towards the acceleration of people's welfare isn't it......? So I am wondering if this "yoga" being promoted by the Modi govt as a prime priority is that direction ?

V: Let's break this again one by one....Is Kejriwal seen on TV nowadays? No. Nowhere to be seen. RaGa? Occasionally. Modi Ji. 100 %. In fact, if I am not wrong, he's going on a 3 nation visit including the USA on behalf of the entire 1.3 Billion Indian population.You might say that he's doing his job and that's why he's voted by the ppl. True. But, who amongst these 3 is really working for the welfare of the ppl? You may not want to say it. But, it's Modi Ji. Right? 2019 elections are just a couple of years away. Out of RaGa, Kejriwal or Modi, you tell me now who is actively involved in the opposition parties to the PM post for the 2019 elections pa. Talks of a unified opposition to topple the Modi Govt. But, where are they when it comes to important matters?. Thorny societal issues are still a pressing and persisting barb wires that is continuing to hurt the many. I never ever mentioned once that all was hunky-dory and everyone was having a place under the sun. If that's the impression that you had got abt me, it's your right. But, is it REALLY true? A rational person will want to find out the objective truth even if it is bitter and goes against their better subjective judgments pa.

K: Seriously......your idea of working for the country is a prominence on media and foreign tours? And what is the outcome of these foreign tours on Indian economy or Indian people's standard of living? He has visited the developed nations so many damn times......didn't he feel like abolishing manual scavenging in India even after visiting such countries? In a way I only feel that our tax money is being wasted on such so-called business vacations....... he would rather stay well in the country and address the people's issues, isn't it?

V: Seriously...Have u been in sales? If u haven't, let me just tell u something... the relationship isn't something that will blossom overnight into flowers which u can pick and sell to earn money.It takes time to nurture, build and sustain so that u can transform that one single flower into a beautiful garden.....It takes repeated visits to maintain the relationship as we are the ones who are dependent on them as we lack their technical finesse though we are also fast catching up to their standards ...If Modi Ji stays in India, some ppl will say "Look @ other country's PMs and Presidents.They are building a good rapport with foreign countries and bringing the latest tech and investments to their countries. But, our PM is just simply sitting within India and increasing the World Bank Loan by external borrowing and making our economy regressive"....If Modi Ji goes to visit other countries "Again. The same ppl calls it Business Vacation".

This is not pagutharivu..It is opportunism @ its despicable worst...Now, you would possibly go one step further and rant once again that I am not only a certified bhakthal but also ISO certified bhakthal.

Just because I have said this, you are going to say 'no no no..I will not say you are an ISO certified bhakthal"...And just because I have said this you may reply something else which is completely contrary to what is being discussed here.

So, either way....U r again going to direct the verbal projectiles on me seeing only a slice of the whole picture and clinging to the parochial mindset whereas I have seen the whole picture and viewing how positively the transformation can possibly happen soon. Just because a woman is wondering, it doesn't make them Wonder Woman.

So, I have exactly answered to your question "he could rather stay well in the country and address the people's issues...Isn't it?" by saying only "It isn't".

Now, you might cherry-pick selectively and say that I am a male chauvinist for mocking woman community as a whole for my comment "Just because a woman is wondering, it doesn't make them Wonder Woman"....It is equally applicable to men as well. FYI. So that you don't interpret it in the way you want to interpret instead of knowing and understanding things as it is.

And just coz I have said "So that you don't interpret it in the way you want to interpret instead of knowing and understanding things as it is", you might still want to find some way and repeat these words to me again either now or in the future. Go ahead. It really doesn't bother me. But, I will be actually amused and bemused that how come a rational person is seeing through the myopic lens of tainted reality. That's all pa.

K:  Wow.....in the last few comments all you did is just assume what I would tell....and spoke for both sides....... and it is plain ridiculous......

Talking about sales.....if your product is good you don't have to run for such sales calls...... the buyer/investor will be automatically interested if your product is exceptional...... and by products I mean the resources and policies of the country....the economy of the country...... 

What is the point in flying around when your product is not upto market standards......? If the policies are not right ? If the intentions are not focussed on the sustainable development of the resources and making the product capable of competing in the world market....then how will other countries be interested to do any kinda business with this economy/country ? Then such relationship building is of no use......and can only be termed as business vacations......

V: Wow....Did I REALLY assume things? Shall we de-construct it brick by brick? Have I anywhere chosen only those segments of the conversation that is comfortable and cozy to boost my logical validity? No. Did I force or coerce or threaten or intimidate you to pick-and-choose your talking points? No. When the precedence to selectively hit the discussion has been set by you, it gives me every right to assume or presume the logical connection and continuation from your point of view as you have already proved voluntarily by yourself that as per your whims and fancies you reason things to support your theory that I am a bhakthal. By saying this, I am not saying that your other points are not valid like the farmers' issue or manual scavenging. According to me as well, manual scavenging is an inhumane inhuman activity which shouldn't be practiced in the civilized world as it degrades the dignity of an individual to shit level.

Now, coming to your other point...The great Warren Buffett has said that his single biggest mistake is not to have invested in the giant Google. If you say Google doesn't produce exceptional products, then I don't know what to say. Likewise, tell me one product which has successfully had a long-run without Sales & Marketing. You may say Word-of-Mouth is a tremendous medium. Unfortunately, there are paid WOMs as well. I will give you an example. I am not sure whether you have heard about #Zoho. They craft phenomenal products. But, they view Marketing as a cost center instead of an investment. WOM will get you the awareness and loyalty but what about the reach? Frequency? It is indeed heartening to see that they have started to take Marketing of their wonderful creations seriously by launching ads on TVs and billboards. Marketing becomes only an expense if you splurge the money without knowing why you are doing it. But, when you use it strategically, the rewards are immense. Glad that #Zoho and Sridhar Vembu had shaken themselves up from the mentality as IMHO, no objectively good thing should go waste without adding value to the customers.

Similarly, without planting a seed, you cannot expect a tree. That is what Modi Ji is doing. The seed is being put under the ground. But, without conducive environment for the seed to grow into a profitable tree, it is of no avail.

K: So you mean to say....the product can be shitty.....but marketing is enough to keep up sales?

With this thought-provoking question, this discussion will be spilled over in the final part of this series.

                                                                 X---To be Concluded---X

Ideas Ideas Everywhere - Part 2

What started as a simple and straight-forward post on FB snowballed into a monstrous discussion on an unfantasized scale with subjects ranging from Ethics to Politics to Marketing to Hypothetical Scenarios that it was a genuine verbal outburst of connected ideas which surely drenched my FB wall between one of my school friend and myself.

The entire domino effect was triggered by the following post:

"Yoga is as important as salt in food".
This is an excellent analogy from Modi Ji...
When we see it from the perspective of a health-conscious person, he/she could possibly view and interpret it wrongly as more salt is equated to high BP and they may correlate and consider doing more Yoga as bad.
A better, logically indissoluble, emotionally overwhelming, positively impactful and motivating Call-To-Action comparison could have been:
"Yoga is as important as a mother to a child".
"We are all children living with enough pressure and tension in our daily lives. Yoga is the loving mother who cares, cures and gives us relief and happiness".
An extremely high intelligent person with enormous IQ numbers might pose a question as:

"There are mothers who abandon their children at birth".
To them, you please tell me whether such a person who commits an atrocious act be called a mother in the first place for any number of "n+1" reasons.
If you say Yes for argument's sake, it's time you know the meaning and value of a mother.
If you say No, then my emotional logic is robust and firmly intact as the stabilization force of the Universe.   

It unleashed an unending chain of sharing, exchanging and transferring of a rich mix of apriori and a posteriori knowledge that was full of substance and matter.

V stands for me and K for my friend.

K: I am not going into the analogy.....but IMHO yoga is not necessary for everyone.....

V: All necessary is important. But, every important is not necessary. It is necessary and important to know this nuance. It's like...its like...I got an example. Food is necessary for life. But, the qty of food taken in is important. Modi Ji has said Yoga is IMPORTANT and not NECESSARY. IMHO, I wld have made Yoga mandatory in all schools throughout the year as ppl can reduce their dependence on medications and lead a peaceful life as one of aspect -Meditation calms and quietens your mind. You will definitely be at variance with me on this. No issues. You are entitled to Ur opinion as my small one. Though, if u choose to say, I wld like to understand Ur intelligent rationale as to why Yoga is not necessary for everyone.

K: For that, I would like to know why is it important/necessary?  Is it considered as a physical training?  
If so then people have various other methods for physical training as well to keep the mind calm......
What good is it gonna do to people who are already indulged in hard labor? A good night's sleep and proper amenities that the govt is supposed to provide is sufficient to keep their minds calm......

V: You are smart enough to find out the complete repertoire of benefits that is gleaned from Yoga. I don't have to enunciate them bullet by bullet. I perceive you to be a person who doesn't like to be spoon fed. But, as far as "proper amenities" are considered. Yes. That's the duty of the Govt. That's y they are voted to power. Since you are also a MBA grad, I am very certain that u r aware of Maslow's hierarchy. It's not just any framework. It is the representation of our society as a whole that is applicable to each and every individual at one level or the other - Be it self-actualization or needs. That said, Material happiness can be up to a certain level only. Beyond that, ppl cannot find happiness or calmness outside. But, within inside. This might sound crazy or I might seem to have gone bonkers. 

The actual reality is that less is better and simplifying our lives will make life easier once when the "proper amenities" are provided. Why do you think many of the western worlds is turning towards our culture? In fact, in certain US schools, meditation is used for misbehaving and unruly students and the results have been extremely productive. The major problem with the general Indian population is that we are enamored and obsessed by the glittery glittery signs of the West. I am in no way against the modern amenities and technologies that they are providing us to make our lives easier. But, many forget our roots and abuse our own extremely, deeply and intensely scientific culture that our ancient forefathers, sages, and rishis have gvn us by falsely thinking that yoga, meditation etc. are hokum and foolish.

K: Unfortunately all Indians do not share the same roots and same culture.....so it would be better if the gov't stops imposing things on Indians......

V: Few Indians, that might run into millions!, are ashamed to be an Indian when it is our own country that is providing these individuals with food, water, security, and life. This is where ppl like Arnab Goswami are trying to ensure that our obligations to our Mother Land do not evaporate into thin air. Whether he does it for biz or truly, I don't know. But, at least he's taking the right stance. And yes...you are absolutely right and I whole 💓 tedly agree with the cultural aspect. What is right in one culture will seem wrong in another. Our diversity is our greatest strength and weakness.

K: Oh ne certified bhaktal ah....... ini un kitta paguthariva pathi pesi priyojanam illa...

V: U can call me whatever u feel like calling me pa. It's ur right. Even if you convince others by telling them that I am a certified bhakthal and making them to call me that also. Go ahead. But, that need not be the TRUTH. I am against the forceful thrusting of bad things on ppl. Likewise, I am completely for for compulsorily doing something which will en masse help all sections of the ppl irrespective of culture or religious orientation or caste. The only difficulty is to define what is 'good' and 'bad' as it varies from culture and culture.

K: Today yoga.....tomo ? Cows urine? Fasting during Ramzan and lent days is also good....why not impose that on everyone? Then why impose one culture over the others?

V: I am not a spokesperson of BJP pa. I shouldn't be asked these question at all. But, I said I WILL mandatorily impose Yoga on every individual in our great country by 🎁 ing it as Science explaining how it will reward the ppl, their families and childrenin the short run and long run. Science cuts across all religions and cultures like a knife through butter. That's the power of science which normally ppl don't understand. 

So, now u can ask me what if the current govt. Uses science to bat for 🐄 urine or what not? Again. I am not BJP spokesperson.

K: You may not be a BJP spokesperson....but you sure do act like one...... like I mentioned..... Fasting during ramzan and lent days is also scientifically good....sunnat is clinically proven good for men's health.....but your hypocrisy lies in wanting to impose only yoga......

V: Have u ever heard of Ekadashi? Shivarathri??Fasting is done on that day. It is very much a part of Hinduism. So, fasting is done in Hinduism as well and not just Ramzan alone. Your hypocrisy is seen here. I have no idea what a sunnat is. I will do my own research on it whenever I find the time. 

As far as my hypocrisy is concerned, if Yoga & Meditation can provide the peacefulness, healthy mind and body to be personally and societally constructive, I have no regrets, in fact glad in being called a hypocrite rather than just defending one's position to the hilt to project the self image of being Ostensibly right.

This is where I leave Part 2 hanging in the balance as the rest of the colorful, heated and stimulating fusion of thought processes will be covered in Part 3.

                                                                          X--To be Concluded--X

Ideas Ideas Everywhere - Part 1

Ideas have ruled the Earth ever since language was created to communicate with each other. When we act with alacrity and have a logical extension, it is inherently inferred and deduced that even language was also an idea to some XYZ person in the long distant past for it to have been manifested either as an art, sound or symbol. 

For instance, the English alphabets "a to z" could have been in different order or 'a' could have been spelled or written differently or occupied the 26th position. If this had been the case when the alphabets were arranged in a sequence, all of us would have unanimously said that 'a' is the last letter of the alphabet now or 'a' may have been symbolically and vocally represented as totally something else or both. 

It is applicable to each and every letter of not only English language but also to other languages as well. Our penchant for finding meaning towards everything around us - including the vast space and deep oceans - has resulted in an utter distortion of the sense of reality that it's not okay to be meaningless when the actual reality whispers and tells us point-blank and right in the face that it's okay to be meaningless. Just enough.

Now, "Just enough" is a very tricky proposition as mandated by Nature as we must know and understand the completely delicate and subtle balance between when/where/why to be meaningful and meaningless. It's like our Earth itself. 

Had our planet been +/- some kilometers from where we are actually orbiting the sun, life wouldn't have existed in our world and you wouldn't have been able to read this blog or the sentence. Scientists' call our habitable state of affairs as "The Goldilocks Zone" and they are on the quest on finding other Exo-planets which is in a similar region to us but elsewhere in the Universe.  

It goes without saying that I wouldn't have been able to piece together the isolated and separated parts into an integrated whole and write this up either. 

Every day-to-day object that we see and come in contact with our senses was an idea - Money, Status, Prestige, Power, Governments, Economies, Brands etc etc. - in their simplest, unsophisticated, incomplete and undeveloped form that was later curated and systematized over time by giving a proper shape and framework through deliberations, contemplations, curiosities, observations, trials & errors and elaborate discussions.

Why should it matter to each and every one of us to retrace the steps of the pages of history and move forward?

It will exactly let us know how much we know what we know and what else is/are unknown that spawns the areas of improvements in the known sectors without foregoing on exploring the missing components of the big picture. At the end of the day, it is essentially linked to our survival and offsprings no matter whether you want to stand upside down like a bat or stand on one leg like a meditating yogi.

Once again, when we speak of "survival", there is right survival and wrong survival. 

To clarifying and simplifying it further, if you kill a person or steal/ rob someone to live your life, that's wrong survival. Even if you had the wherewithals to escape from the clutches of the law, Karma unequivocally ensures that it is a bitch to bite you back at the unexpected time. At a metaphysical, spiritual and quantum level, punishments and grievances are destined to happen at a later point in time even if you don't want to believe in 'Karma'. 

Whether you want short-term gain & long-term pain or short-term pain & long-term gain is a matter of choice though IMHO, I prefer the latter as everyone is confined within the realms of practical limitations and bounded rationalities. But, ideally speaking, short-term gain and long-term gain is the wisest choice to pick when you cover all your bases though it's a herculean task that requires truckloads of time and effort. 

As the greatest general Sun Tzu propounded "The battle is won before it is fought".

                                                           X--To be concluded--X

Monday, October 30, 2017

Unlocking the Grandeur Door of Openness

REALITY - Ah! The 7-letter mayhem that literally causes people to smack their hands onto their foreheads whenever they find something that's diametrically opposite to what they strongly, fiercely, intensely and deeply hold to be sacred and true.

Is that the REAL nature of reality?

First up, the reality (at least as we know it) is only a social construct that is chiseled and sculptured by the particular cultures, geographies, and religions for eons together. What is right in one place is wrong in another though there is yet another right which is the objective right as prescribed by the scriptures and science although the Vedic Scriptures are actual science in its pure and distilled form. 

That being the empirical case, the normal reality is an agreed upon measure by the majority who expects that the Mavericks, Eccentrics, Iconoclasts, and Heretics must necessarily conform to their defined standards in order to have an artificial sense of safety and security for their own survival and descendants. This close-mindedness and reluctance to accept the hard-core reality that no one is the same have resulted in astonishing disparities and intolerances towards those who reject the authority and mandate as set by the greater number of the masses. 

The same insular and parochial thinking is equally applicable to those who defy the larger part of the population as they have the fantastic idea that the better section of the society lives a dull and drab life due to their conventional and traditional mindset when a more dynamic and vibrant is in the offing as you break down the walls of customary narrative and probe into the uncharted and unmapped areas where the secrets are patiently waiting to be discovered. 

I am not making this up. You will understand why I said this by the end of the blog.

When we look through the dazzling prism of science, history has categorically, definitively and decisively shown us that our civilization has logically and gradually moved on to the next step in the evolution by those who dared to look beyond the generally prevalent norms. 

Take for example. Copernicus who rejected the might of The Church when he proposed the Helio-Centric Theory. Likewise, Bruno and Galileo were also at the receiving end of The Inquisition when they failed to comply with the demands of The Church to recant the truth which The Church perceived to be a destabilizing agent of the society.

But, what was the actual truth? Everyone, at least the educated and non pro-Flat Earth Society, knows now that our Earth revolves around the sun.

IMHO, Truth is like the layers of a sedimentary formation. It should be given appropriately to the suitable person at the proper time to have a fitting impact which culminates into the right course of action.

For instance, no one knew that Infra-Red was all around us in the real world until William Herschel discovered their existence which catapulted its occurrence to applications in numerous fields ranging from communication to art to medicine to astronomy. It's not only restricted to IR but also to the person(s) who found that the wheel was a convenient form of transportation millenniums ago which resulted in a radical transformation of the way we lived through the advent of such a superior technology at that point in time.

Discussions and debates are also ready eye-openers when it comes to an agreement with our own conflicting views as long as they are stated and presented in coherent, cogent and compelling manner backed with solid arguments. This doesn't mean that what we previously held was false or untrue or wrong. It just means that there are tonnes of invisible perspectives and secrets which our Mother Earth and Universe has quarantined so that the right person comes along, decodes and threads together the entire cake of life rather than just viewing a slice or a piece of it and falsely thinking that's the actual truth when it is not in the absolute sense.

How does it matter to see the whole tree instead of the branches?

Simple. Let's take Communism, Capitalism, Democracy, and Dictatorship. Everything has got its own pros and cons whether you like/want to acknowledge the elephant in the room or not. 

The advocates of Communism will proclaim that it is superior to all forms of social organization. Similarly, the proponents of other ways will definitely pronounce that theirs is the supreme and the rest is inferior. This can cause a gigantic and unimaginable friction between the warring parties eventually leading to verbal rallies, shouting matches and even deaths in the most extreme fanatic case when the right way is that every practice is as equally great and important as the other and whatever floats one's boats, they can be a part of it instead of resorting to barbaric activities or sledging outbreaks of violence.

This doesn't necessarily mean that an individual ought to be a representative or member of one or the other. Some people can also be unbiased, neutral and objective enough to equally respect every structure with all its flaws knowing very well that no one is perfect yet having the phronesis that achieving perfection is extremely difficult but not impossible as it requires a day-in and day-out perseverance, persistence, determination, and grit to come out with flying colors.

Openness requires a great deal of patience, tolerance, endurance, receptivity, and sensitivity to others which is not only restricted to sharing and transferring ideas but also encompasses all life forms as well to truly appreciate the wonders and marvels of our Cosmos As-Is rather than looking at the reality through tinted glasses and assuming it to be the exact truth.

The rewards of Openness is what propelled the Big Bang out of the single point and transformed us into who we are and what we are now after billions of years of drip-by-drip evolution. Even a child has to be opened from a mother's womb in order to be cared in her tender arms and breathe the fresh air in the world. 

However, the openness should be just enough else the mother will bleed to death, figuratively and literally.

Ultimately, the fruits of engaging with every element of the reality are that it gives you an enriching and fulfilling life that is immensely satisfying to lead a complete life sated with peacefulness and without stress or tension.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Are Thought Experiments Only for Scientists? - Part 3

If you haven't read Part 1 and Part 2, then you will definitely wrap your brains around for the remainder of the post.

Please do read Part 1 here & Part 2 here before you find and feel everything is topsy-turvy.

If you say C and the Principal should be given stringent punitive measures for disgracing, disrespecting, dishonouring and inflicting deep ignominy on B&B's family, then you are absolutely wrong.

IMHO, C and the Principal were doing their rightful duty in finding out the truth from B. Thus, no steps should be taken against any of them.

The real culprit in my Thought Experiment is D.

It's because of her stupidity and idiocy in her bias thereby lacking the practical wisdom that every person is different in their own respect. If B is of forgiving nature, B may say water under the bridge for D's utter ignorance. 

Again, in my IMHO, no concrete reason can forgive D for persuading and convincing the rest of the class that B is the thief as she used her class topper and influencer tag with the support of her friends. That's absolutely deliberate misuse of her position and standing in the class.

Hence, D&her friends must be given the strictest, highest and maximum punishment not only for causing extreme humiliation and embarrassment to B&B's family but also for wasting the precious time, energy and effort of C and Principal when they could have utilized it for better productive purposes. Also, since these students were capable of doing such a thing now, it's highly likely that they would repeat the same thing in the future unless draconian treatments weren't given to them.

Some might argue that punishments don't necessarily translate into positive actions on the part of the offender. IMHO, whether the person-in-question self-corrects them or not because of the punishment, it is their voluntary will. But, to uphold the integrity of the law of the land that is equally applicable to everyone, punishments must be enforced upon these students.

Once again, the cynics might argue that what I have said above is an ideal situation and that money will buy everyone. All I can say is that it is wrong to paint everyone with the same brush just because some people have indulged in devious and underhand dealings.

Likewise, the rest of the class, who went along with D&her friends, when they gave the complaint to C should be given moderate punishments so that they properly inquire into the exact nature of the truth in the future instead of being manipulated into giving false voices against innocents.  

I think I have just demonstrated that it's highly possible for any layman like us as well to perform a Thought Experiment that is in line with the established principles of science to inquire into the heart of the matter without bringing in our subjectivity to the fore.

The beauty of such Thought Experiments is that you can reach provable results by being within the confines of your wall though it's physically demanding and mentally exacting as the process requires a gruelling lot of cognitive effort and strain to visualize the implausible, improbable and impossible events with real limitations.

Though my Thought Experiment has every chance of occurring in the real world as there are too much distrust and intolerance that has percolated and pervaded the fabric of society, this is still a Thought Experiment as it's not possible for any actual person to voluntary undergo the said scenario in live conditions. 

In the end, Thought Experiments not only helps the society to understand and apply the principles in a better way but also expands our thinking process into more crystallized form to be one with the reality instead of being dissociated from it.


Are Thought Experiments Only for Scientists? - Part 2

Imagine there is a school (XYZ) which is reopening after the Summer Holidays. A new student (B) has joined the class 'VII', section 'F' of strength '40'. 

Different is of two types - Positive and Negative. The latter causes menace to the society due to a variety of factors as social acceptance, validation, recognition, outright evil etc. But, B is different from the others in a positive manner. 

Others are a bit wary of B as the new student isn't like how they are. Days pass on without any incidents though the class topper and class influencer (D) and her friends have the apprehension that B is a threat to them since the new student is unusually deviant from how they see themselves. Other than those students, none of them has any iota of doubt on B as the newcomer is friendly, cooperative and helpful.

Then, on one fine day,  D's purse is stolen. Without any objective thinking but solely based upon her bias and stereotypical attitude that different people from the normal are bad, D comes to the definitive conclusion that IT IS B who had robbed of her cherished purse. She wields her undue influence to her advantage and convinces the rest of the students that B is the thief and should be strongly punished. 

D lodges an official complaint with their class teacher (C) by showing evidence to her that the whole class is out there to give proof that B is a shady character as the new student is not like them and thus categorically proclaims that B is the culprit. 

Had D given the complaint by herself, C wouldn't have taken any action but dismissed her claim as a mere allegation. But, when the whole class gives testimony that B is the true suspect, C has no other option but to take action against B. 

Here, what the teacher doesn't know is that it was D and her friends who was chiefly responsible and instrumental in persuading the entire class that B is the one who committed the crime just because the new student is different and that besides D and her cronies, none of the class had even thought that B could commit such a crime in the first place despite the new student's starking dissimilarity. The teacher (C) is in the dark about these essential facts.

But, with a serious complaint coming up to her table with 39 other voices, C calls up B&B's parents and commences a detailed investigation in the Principal Office (PO) using threats, intimidations, the usual Good Cop/Bad Cop routine and every other tactic under the sun to force out the truth from B &B's parents. Unfortunately, B was nowhere near the crime scene when D's purse was robbed and had no clue what was being asked in the first place. With the drill of an expert investigator, C and the Principal squeeze B&B's parents for the truth to be retched out in the open. The interrogation lasts hours together.

By a quirk of fate, one of B's classmate stumbles upon D's purse in D's bag itself and presents it to the PO.

The Thought Experiment is over.

Who should be punished and who should not be punished in this highly stimulating situation?

The delightful answer to this mind-numbing question is in Part 3.

                                                      X---To Be Continued & Concluded---X

Are Thought Experiments Only for Scientists? - Part 1

Imagine a white Bullet Train (BT) resting peacefully at its source. You are sweetly dressed up in a light blue Polo T-shirt and dark blue Denim and sharply walking towards the soon-to-be-rapid fast monster. You have a sudden light bulb moment that you can accelerate and speed ahead of the BT. So, you patiently sit down in the plush passenger lounge and relax until the train begins to move forward. 

The D-Time arrives. You know it's time for you to have a go at the BT as soon it hurls itself forward like a harpoon targetting a whale in the oceans. The BT pulls herself out of the station and starts to hit the top speed. By a miracle, you have the power to outrun and outspeed the BT alongside the track itself. It's a neck and neck race and you come out with flying colours with plenty of time to spare upon reaching the destined destination.


Did we just perform a thought experiment now?

Yes and No.

It's a yes as the above situation is totally next-to-impossible by any common man or even the fastest man on Earth - Usain Bolt to outdo a BT in real life but with the faculty and tremendous power of your infinite imagination, you have been able to successfully and audaciously eclipse the BT on the track. IN YOUR HEAD. 

It's a No because Thought Experiments are supposed to solve a problem through imagined series of steps that could help the humanity as a whole like how Einstein imagined himself travelling along with a beam of light or Schrodinger's Cat.

In our case, what we have done is to just have a fanciful and wishful thinking that we are apparently superior to BTs. To ELIFY it further, it's nothing more than a fantasy.

So, does that mean as normal human beings we cannot partake in the nuanced art of Thought Experiments?

Don't give up hope so soon until the last line of the blog is read in Part 2.

                                                          X---To Be Concluded---X