What started as a simple and straight-forward post on FB snowballed into a monstrous discussion on an unfantasized scale with subjects ranging from Ethics to Politics to Marketing to Hypothetical Scenarios that it was a genuine verbal outburst of connected ideas which surely drenched my FB wall between one of my school friend and myself.
The entire domino effect was triggered by the following post:
"Yoga is as important as salt in food".
This is an excellent analogy from Modi Ji...

When we see it from the perspective of a health-conscious person, he/she could possibly view and interpret it wrongly as more salt is equated to high BP and they may correlate and consider doing more Yoga as bad.
A better, logically indissoluble, emotionally overwhelming, positively impactful and motivating Call-To-Action comparison could have been:
"Yoga is as important as a mother to a child".
"We are all children living with enough pressure and tension in our daily lives. Yoga is the loving mother who cares, cures and gives us relief and happiness".
An extremely high intelligent person with enormous IQ numbers might pose a question as:
"There are mothers who abandon their children at birth".
To them, you please tell me whether such a person who commits an atrocious act be called a mother in the first place for any number of "n+1" reasons.
If you say Yes for argument's sake, it's time you know the meaning and value of a mother.
If you say No, then my emotional logic is robust and firmly intact as the stabilization force of the Universe.
It unleashed an unending chain of sharing, exchanging and transferring of a rich mix of apriori and a posteriori knowledge that was full of substance and matter.
V stands for me and K for my friend.
K: I am not going into the analogy.....but IMHO yoga is not necessary for everyone.....
V: All necessary is important. But, every important is not necessary. It is necessary and important to know this nuance. It's like...its like...I got an example. Food is necessary for life. But, the qty of food taken in is important. Modi Ji has said Yoga is IMPORTANT and not NECESSARY. IMHO, I wld have made Yoga mandatory in all schools throughout the year as ppl can reduce their dependence on medications and lead a peaceful life as one of aspect -Meditation calms and quietens your mind. You will definitely be at variance with me on this. No issues. You are entitled to Ur opinion as my small one. Though, if u choose to say, I wld like to understand Ur intelligent rationale as to why Yoga is not necessary for everyone.
K: For that, I would like to know why is it important/necessary? Is it considered as a physical training?
If so then people have various other methods for physical training as well to keep the mind calm......
What good is it gonna do to people who are already indulged in hard labor? A good night's sleep and proper amenities that the govt is supposed to provide is sufficient to keep their minds calm......
V: You are smart enough to find out the complete repertoire of benefits that is gleaned from Yoga. I don't have to enunciate them bullet by bullet. I perceive you to be a person who doesn't like to be spoon fed. But, as far as "proper amenities" are considered. Yes. That's the duty of the Govt. That's y they are voted to power. Since you are also a MBA grad, I am very certain that u r aware of Maslow's hierarchy. It's not just any framework. It is the representation of our society as a whole that is applicable to each and every individual at one level or the other - Be it self-actualization or needs. That said, Material happiness can be up to a certain level only. Beyond that, ppl cannot find happiness or calmness outside. But, within inside. This might sound crazy or I might seem to have gone bonkers.
The actual reality is that less is better and simplifying our lives will make life easier once when the "proper amenities" are provided. Why do you think many of the western worlds is turning towards our culture? In fact, in certain US schools, meditation is used for misbehaving and unruly students and the results have been extremely productive. The major problem with the general Indian population is that we are enamored and obsessed by the glittery glittery signs of the West. I am in no way against the modern amenities and technologies that they are providing us to make our lives easier. But, many forget our roots and abuse our own extremely, deeply and intensely scientific culture that our ancient forefathers, sages, and rishis have gvn us by falsely thinking that yoga, meditation etc. are hokum and foolish.
K: Unfortunately all Indians do not share the same roots and same culture.....so it would be better if the gov't stops imposing things on Indians......
V: Few Indians, that might run into millions!, are ashamed to be an Indian when it is our own country that is providing these individuals with food, water, security, and life. This is where ppl like Arnab Goswami are trying to ensure that our obligations to our Mother Land do not evaporate into thin air. Whether he does it for biz or truly, I don't know. But, at least he's taking the right stance. And yes...you are absolutely right and I whole
💓 tedly agree with the cultural aspect. What is right in one culture will seem wrong in another. Our diversity is our greatest strength and weakness.

K: Oh ne certified bhaktal ah....... ini un kitta paguthariva pathi pesi priyojanam illa...
V: U can call me whatever u feel like calling me pa. It's ur right. Even if you convince others by telling them that I am a certified bhakthal and making them to call me that also. Go ahead. But, that need not be the TRUTH. I am against the forceful thrusting of bad things on ppl. Likewise, I am completely for for compulsorily doing something which will en masse help all sections of the ppl irrespective of culture or religious orientation or caste. The only difficulty is to define what is 'good' and 'bad' as it varies from culture and culture.
K: Today yoga.....tomo ? Cows urine? Fasting during Ramzan and lent days is also good....why not impose that on everyone? Then why impose one culture over the others?
V: I am not a spokesperson of BJP pa. I shouldn't be asked these question at all. But, I said I WILL mandatorily impose Yoga on every individual in our great country by
🎁 ing it as Science explaining how it will reward the ppl, their families and childrenin the short run and long run. Science cuts across all religions and cultures like a knife through butter. That's the power of science which normally ppl don't understand.

So, now u can ask me what if the current govt. Uses science to bat for
🐄 urine or what not? Again. I am not BJP spokesperson.

K: You may not be a BJP spokesperson....but you sure do act like one...... like I mentioned..... Fasting during ramzan and lent days is also scientifically good....sunnat is clinically proven good for men's health.....but your hypocrisy lies in wanting to impose only yoga......
V: Have u ever heard of Ekadashi? Shivarathri??Fasting is done on that day. It is very much a part of Hinduism. So, fasting is done in Hinduism as well and not just Ramzan alone. Your hypocrisy is seen here. I have no idea what a sunnat is. I will do my own research on it whenever I find the time.
As far as my hypocrisy is concerned, if Yoga & Meditation can provide the peacefulness, healthy mind and body to be personally and societally constructive, I have no regrets, in fact glad in being called a hypocrite rather than just defending one's position to the hilt to project the self image of being Ostensibly right.
This is where I leave Part 2 hanging in the balance as the rest of the colorful, heated and stimulating fusion of thought processes will be covered in Part 3.
X--To be Concluded--X
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