For those who might be confusticated as to what's the deep mess that is happening in this blog, Part 1 and Part 2 will surely alleviate your worries and keep you relaxed to enjoy the rest of Part 3.
K: If the govt was so bothered about the physical and mental well being of its should have improved healthcare, education and fact it should de-privatize education and healthcare...... even drinking water..... but no that is too much work for the govt isn't let's impose yoga...
V: And I have categorically stated that I am against anything that is detrimental to the ppl in any way. So, is the Govt's duty to take care of not only the biz tycoons but also those who struggle to earn their
🍞 for even one course.

K: Fasting during Ekadashi and Shivaratri is not a part of Hinduism.....its a part of Brahminism.......Will you be able to sell your idea of yoga to a daily wage laborer? A manual scavenger? And by the way fasting for one whole month at a stretch does not give the same results as fasting during Ekadashi or shivarathri.....
V: I said I will impose Yoga if I am the Govt. Fortunately or unfortunately, I am not. So, I don't have to worry abt daily wage laborer or manual scavenger now or rack my brains to get a feasible and workable solution on how to make everyone do Yoga when I am not a politician. So now, u might say whether it's my wishful or idealistic thinking that propelled me to the idea if imposition of Yoga. No, it's not. I did not think it through as I am not a politician. Will u waste Ur time and energy on things which u know won't hpn?
K: Unfortunately that's how BJP is behaving too.....since i found that you share the same ideology of "not thinking through" I thought that I could at least help you think before you rant about yoga and its importance......and claim it to be a sarvanivarani......
V: Since you are subjectively and selectively picking out only those points in our discussion that reinforces your already decided and pronounced verdict that I am a certified bhakthal, I cannot stop you from doing it. You are not going to change Ur mind even if natural evidence is gvn to u and just going to cling to Ur false belief that I am a certified bhakthal. Iwill just say 2 things before I sign off. For now. If tmrw RaGa comes out with an outstanding course of action for our country's progress or Kejriwal uses his IIT brains to chart and accelerate the welfare of the ppl, I am in for them. But, will they? I don't know. The only person who is doing in that direction is Modi Ji.
Second. If I were a politician, I wld have first addressed the primary concerns plaguing the ppl irrespective whether they are Ambanis or Scavengers. Only after that I wld have even thought of imposing Yoga on everyone. I don't know whether u understood my point of view as I have clearly understood urs as labelling me a certified bhakthal to bolster Ur delusional truth when I had given you the Maslow's Hierarchy in the beginning of the conversation. Without solving the basic problems, it's nearly impossible to even think of making ppl to practice Yoga or meditation. So, yes. I have myself acknowledged, accepted, admitted and confessed that I did not think through for Yoga to be practiced by daily labourers or Scavengers as there were several hurdles before it can be even implemented and not expend my exertion of my thought process to the grass roots when I am not a decision-maker and plenty of issues to be tied up. But, I have the understanding enough to solve all the basic needs and essentials of the deprived and common ppl first before proceeding to asanas and pranayama to them. So, anything more on BJP's modus operandi, pls contact the concerned person and get your queries answered. I am not the right person pa.
K: In direction to accelerate welfare of the people? By dropping the growth rate? And addressing issues like farmers suicide by imposing yoga? By snatching mid-day meal schemes in govt schools and shoving aadhar card down their throats ?...... great acceleration of welfare !!!
Good that you finally understood Maslow's hierarchy theory......and i hope you will also extend this understanding to the current social political and economic scenario before addressing Modi as someone who working towards acceleration of people's welfare....
V: Ada pagutharivu raniye....let us take this step by step....Did you speak abt Maslow's hierarchy first? No. Did you make me understand Maslow's hierarchy in the way the explanation was given? No. Did u explain that material happiness needs to be first satisfied and only then yoga should be done? No. Did I call you an Anti-National? No. Your sole intention was to discredit me by calling and ranting that I was a certified bhakthal again and again based on half-baked, incomplete judgements that satisfies your ego which saves your own face from being wrong in the public which is clearly evident from the FACT OF YOUR STATEMENT "Good that you finally understood Maslows hierarchy theory". A true pagutharivu person sees things as they are and not as their ego wants and demands to be seen just to safeguard their individual fragile self-picture of themselves.
Now, you are either going to continue your ranting about Modi Ji in some way or the other or make ad hominem attacks on me. Let me give you a heads-up. If you are doing the former, I have already said it and I will say it again "pls contact the concerned person and get your queries answered". If you are going to do the latter, you are just proving my point that this entire discussion is about that FACT that you want to be seemed right and make me look wrong. The choice is yours.
K: I am not interested in making me seem right or you seem wrong......I am just surprised that you who first spoke about Maslows hierarchy failed to see that yoga is not an important direction to head into for the conuntry's development and call these measures as acceleration of people's welfare.......
V: Never I mentioned Yoga to be acceleration of people's welfare or that Yoga should trump up "proper amenities" without actually giving relief to the basic and essential pain points of the common man.......You can check out the complete thread if you wish....I wouldn't have said such a thing other than saying that my support will be even for Kejriwal if he strategizes an action plan that accelerates the welfare of the ppl..My articulation of my verbalization is clear and simple....How would you feel if I misquote you and say something which u did not? Good huh?
K: You did mention that right now Modi is the only one working towards the acceleration of people's welfare isn't it......? So I am wondering if this "yoga" being promoted by the Modi govt as a prime priority is that direction ?
V: Let's break this again one by one....Is Kejriwal seen on TV nowadays? No. Nowhere to be seen. RaGa? Occasionally. Modi Ji. 100 %. In fact, if I am not wrong, he's going on a 3 nation visit including the USA on behalf of the entire 1.3 Billion Indian population.You might say that he's doing his job and that's why he's voted by the ppl. True. But, who amongst these 3 is really working for the welfare of the ppl? You may not want to say it. But, it's Modi Ji. Right? 2019 elections are just a couple of years away. Out of RaGa, Kejriwal or Modi, you tell me now who is actively involved in the opposition parties to the PM post for the 2019 elections pa. Talks of a unified opposition to topple the Modi Govt. But, where are they when it comes to important matters?. Thorny societal issues are still a pressing and persisting barb wires that is continuing to hurt the many. I never ever mentioned once that all was hunky-dory and everyone was having a place under the sun. If that's the impression that you had got abt me, it's your right. But, is it REALLY true? A rational person will want to find out the objective truth even if it is bitter and goes against their better subjective judgments pa.
K: Seriously......your idea of working for the country is a prominence on media and foreign tours? And what is the outcome of these foreign tours on Indian economy or Indian people's standard of living? He has visited the developed nations so many damn times......didn't he feel like abolishing manual scavenging in India even after visiting such countries? In a way I only feel that our tax money is being wasted on such so-called business vacations....... he would rather stay well in the country and address the people's issues, isn't it?
V: Seriously...Have u been in sales? If u haven't, let me just tell u something... the relationship isn't something that will blossom overnight into flowers which u can pick and sell to earn money.It takes time to nurture, build and sustain so that u can transform that one single flower into a beautiful garden.....It takes repeated visits to maintain the relationship as we are the ones who are dependent on them as we lack their technical finesse though we are also fast catching up to their standards ...If Modi Ji stays in India, some ppl will say "Look @ other country's PMs and Presidents.They are building a good rapport with foreign countries and bringing the latest tech and investments to their countries. But, our PM is just simply sitting within India and increasing the World Bank Loan by external borrowing and making our economy regressive"....If Modi Ji goes to visit other countries "Again. The same ppl calls it Business Vacation".
This is not pagutharivu..It is opportunism @ its despicable worst...Now, you would possibly go one step further and rant once again that I am not only a certified bhakthal but also ISO certified bhakthal.
Just because I have said this, you are going to say 'no no no..I will not say you are an ISO certified bhakthal"...And just because I have said this you may reply something else which is completely contrary to what is being discussed here.
So, either way....U r again going to direct the verbal projectiles on me seeing only a slice of the whole picture and clinging to the parochial mindset whereas I have seen the whole picture and viewing how positively the transformation can possibly happen soon. Just because a woman is wondering, it doesn't make them Wonder Woman.
So, I have exactly answered to your question "he could rather stay well in the country and address the people's issues...Isn't it?" by saying only "It isn't".
Now, you might cherry-pick selectively and say that I am a male chauvinist for mocking woman community as a whole for my comment "Just because a woman is wondering, it doesn't make them Wonder Woman"....It is equally applicable to men as well. FYI. So that you don't interpret it in the way you want to interpret instead of knowing and understanding things as it is.
And just coz I have said "So that you don't interpret it in the way you want to interpret instead of knowing and understanding things as it is", you might still want to find some way and repeat these words to me again either now or in the future. Go ahead. It really doesn't bother me. But, I will be actually amused and bemused that how come a rational person is seeing through the myopic lens of tainted reality. That's all pa.
K: the last few comments all you did is just assume what I would tell....and spoke for both sides....... and it is plain ridiculous......
Talking about sales.....if your product is good you don't have to run for such sales calls...... the buyer/investor will be automatically interested if your product is exceptional...... and by products I mean the resources and policies of the country....the economy of the country......
What is the point in flying around when your product is not upto market standards......? If the policies are not right ? If the intentions are not focussed on the sustainable development of the resources and making the product capable of competing in the world market....then how will other countries be interested to do any kinda business with this economy/country ? Then such relationship building is of no use......and can only be termed as business vacations......
V: Wow....Did I REALLY assume things? Shall we de-construct it brick by brick? Have I anywhere chosen only those segments of the conversation that is comfortable and cozy to boost my logical validity? No. Did I force or coerce or threaten or intimidate you to pick-and-choose your talking points? No. When the precedence to selectively hit the discussion has been set by you, it gives me every right to assume or presume the logical connection and continuation from your point of view as you have already proved voluntarily by yourself that as per your whims and fancies you reason things to support your theory that I am a bhakthal. By saying this, I am not saying that your other points are not valid like the farmers' issue or manual scavenging. According to me as well, manual scavenging is an inhumane inhuman activity which shouldn't be practiced in the civilized world as it degrades the dignity of an individual to shit level.
Now, coming to your other point...The great Warren Buffett has said that his single biggest mistake is not to have invested in the giant Google. If you say Google doesn't produce exceptional products, then I don't know what to say. Likewise, tell me one product which has successfully had a long-run without Sales & Marketing. You may say Word-of-Mouth is a tremendous medium. Unfortunately, there are paid WOMs as well. I will give you an example. I am not sure whether you have heard about #Zoho. They craft phenomenal products. But, they view Marketing as a cost center instead of an investment. WOM will get you the awareness and loyalty but what about the reach? Frequency? It is indeed heartening to see that they have started to take Marketing of their wonderful creations seriously by launching ads on TVs and billboards. Marketing becomes only an expense if you splurge the money without knowing why you are doing it. But, when you use it strategically, the rewards are immense. Glad that #Zoho and Sridhar Vembu had shaken themselves up from the mentality as IMHO, no objectively good thing should go waste without adding value to the customers.
Similarly, without planting a seed, you cannot expect a tree. That is what Modi Ji is doing. The seed is being put under the ground. But, without conducive environment for the seed to grow into a profitable tree, it is of no avail.
K: So you mean to say....the product can be shitty.....but marketing is enough to keep up sales?
With this thought-provoking question, this discussion will be spilled over in the final part of this series.
X---To be Concluded---X
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