Auroras - Those brilliant, dazzling and vivid dance of colors which literally performs a moving and energized, pun intended, 'skywalk' due to the interactions of the Solar Flares and Earth's Magnetic Field in the Ionosphere to enchant and transfix the denizens of Planet Earth.
But, all hell will break loose if the strength, intensity, and duration of the Solar Flares are more stronger and powerful than the Earth's Magnetic Field.
Do not believe me?
Whether people pray for the well-being of the humanity or not, every one of us must always see to it that the Sun doesn't get angry and take out its wrath on hapless and helpless us through its CMEs and Solar Storms.
Be it Billionaire, Multi-Billionaire, Upper Middle Class, Middle Class, Poor, Destitute, Educated, Uneducated, Celebrity, Superstars, Normal People etc - the bright and luminous swirling inferno has no sense of discrimination for any of us.
This is where the sagacious and profoundly wise ancient forefathers (Read: Hinduism) had prescribed mantras and rituals to placate and assuage the raging and tumultuous nature of the Sun as they knew that our lives are perishably and inextricably dependent and indebted on/to the Ball of Spitting Fire. The sad part is that when the mantras and rituals are mechanically performed, the utility and power of the mantra to soothe the glowering Sun doesn't happen and its tempestuous nature continues to grow in stature as time progresses.
Most of them don't believe in it. And even those (Read: Brahmins) who believe that the Sun can be consoled through the sacred mantras, they fall under the above category which I have mentioned in the previous paragraph. By stating this, I am not saying directly or indirectly that all the Brahmins does it out of rote without understanding the implication of the meaning and the meaningful consequences and benefits derived from reciting them in the first place.
This is sheer stupidity in the 21st century that mantras, rituals, and rites are beneficial to humanity and that they are capable of being a relaxing agent to the Scintillating Sun and How does this entire solo-soliloquy on Auroras and Solar Flares are connected to Truth and Opinion? It doesn't make sense.
If you had thought at least one of these two questions - either out of frustration or irritation or thinking that.."Dude...You have lost your rockers and your marbles are all over the place", please wait.
I shall answer both of them. One at a time.
I have already cited that most of them don't believe that mantras are full of positive potent when recited with complete conviction and confidence. So, it's natural that you should have such a question of the notion as "sheer stupidity" in the first place.
I will elaborate it further.
When you are awake and looking at a person, can you see their physical heart that's located below their skin?
No, right?
But, just because you can't see their heart, does it mean that it doesn't exist within them or they are not alive?
Now, what is "sheer stupidity"?
If you say they don't have a physical heart, I don't have to spell it out that you are completely insane. If you say they do have a physical heart, of course, they have - The question I have asked is - Can you see the actual heart of another person?
Leave the other person's business.
Can you see your own heart? Don't give a sheepish grin now.
The essence of the point which I decisively wanted to make through the heart example is that just because you don't see something, it doesn't necessarily mean it's not there.
Are you able to see Microwaves or Radio Waves or UV-Rays with your naked eyes?
I can't unless you possess and have a special superpower as the X-Men or any other Super Hero.
But, you can observe its effects either immediately or short-term or intermediate-term or long-term - Just like how you see that a person is alive because their heart is beating even though you don't really see or feel the tangible heart.
Now, coming to the second question.
How do Auroras and Solar Flares have any connection with Truth and Opinion?
As I have already elaborately discussed in Part 1, when there are 2 or more than schools of thoughts, it usually ends up fiercely clashing with one another just like the bombardment of solar particles with the Earth's Magnetic Field.
When the two different ideologies put aside their rigid variances and join their heads together despite having a heated debate or discussion, the absolute Truth can be found out amidst the disagreeably agreeable chaos that is as liberating and colorful as the Auroras.
But, when even one of them tries to exert their dominance over the other, it effectuates a negative and unending chain of events that drastically and severely escalates into a complete breakdown of social order that's exactly like the CMEs and Solar Storms frying the satellites and power grids thus making our known civilized world to an uninhibited standstill.
Whether a person decides to immerse into the grandeur of the swirls and twirls of spell-binding hues or deteriorate and end a relationship just to falsely assert and prove one's fragment perspective of the total reality, it's up to the respective individual/group/institution.
X---To Be Concluded---X