Sunday, December 17, 2017

Mersal Vs Newton - Part 1

"Hey..One is Tamil and the other belongs to Bollywood. How can a comparison be even justified? Isn't it like comparing chalk and cheese?"

When you can think such a highly sensible and extremely valid point, do you think I wouldn't have given it a  twirl of reasoning before I commenced this blog?  

So, what's the common denominator between 'Mersal' and 'Newton' despite being poles apart in language and story? 

Fortunately, its the soul of movies that is a linking factor between them.

"Oh. For God's sake. Stop your riddles and suspense. And explain how they are connected."

Some may have such a burst of frustrated mental outburst within themselves. Cool  Cool. Where am I going to go away without divulging the rationale? 

For anyone who has been living under the rock or Indians who don't follow movies or Non-Indians who have no idea what Mersal and Newton are, a brief primer.

'Mersal' is a Kollywood product starring one of Tamil Industry's big-name - Vijay. And, it ran into a controversy. More discussion on the bone of contention that figuratively sent the movie into a spin.

On the other hand, 'Newton' is the official Indian Oscar Entrant. It goes without saying that it has to be one of the best movies of the Indian calendar. Yeah. The Basics are done even for those who have been sleeping like a Kumbakarnan!

To know more about who is Kumbakarnan and the two films, you can do it at your own leisure. 

"You still haven't said how are they connected. It's infuriating. Get on with it." 

Yeah. Yeah. I know. Just wanted to give an element of suspense and surprise built-in and build-up before the big let out like a Magician on Stage! 

For those who have watched 'Mersal', you will know why I brought up the 'Magician' reference.

"You still haven't answered the question". 

I can hear you mentally admonishing me like a Policeman scolding an Election Official.

If you have watched 'Newton', you would understand the significance of the 'Policeman-Election Official' example.

"I give up. You are not going to tell the shared relation that's betwixt them but play your endless anticipatory mind games. Aren't you?"

If exactly this or anything similar that you had thought now, the wait is over.

The underlying commonality of them is that:

a) Social message
b) Highly relevant in the current scenario
c) Screenplay
d) Don't feel the time is stifling you
e) Great performances by the entire cast especially the lead roles
f) Deserved to be one of the best movies in Bollywood and Kollywood
g) Both had their own share of controversy.  

                                                         X--To Be Concluded--X


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