Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Thanos - Hero? Villain? Or Heroic Villain? - Part 1

"Dude. Where the hell you disappeared into thin air and have been all these days without any blog tagged to your name?"

If you didn't think of this question, I will still answer it.

Before we come to that important part, we have other essential things to sift through and arrive at the clinching conclusion to the title of the blog which explicitly reads whether Thanos is a hero or villain.

Had I been reading the oh-it's-a-ruddy-interesting-title, I would have definitely asked one simple question:

"What's a Heroic Villain?"

Supposedly you hadn't thought of it, that's where this entire write-up comes into the picture.


Avengers: Infinity Wars - The review is for another time.

For sure.

But, two words to describe it - Loveeee Yaaaaaaaaaaa Sooooooo Muccchhhhhhh Marvellllllllllllll.

Oh ho!

That's 5 words.

Couldn't diminish or pare down what I wanted to say any further.


Let's get back to our focal point of attention - Thanos.

I'm not an avid comic book reader but still, somewhere in some Youtube video it is said that Thanos desired to possessed those colorful pieces of powerful stones to impress his Lady Love.

Now, coming to the movie, the Blue Titan's motive and intent were totally and completely different like saying the Dursleys loved Harry Potter!

Still, when you give it a whirl of thought, Thanos is not our usual and stereotypical wicked anti-hero who wants to destroy cities for fun and power or suppress people as his slave or has a vile reasoning to take revenge upon The Avengers and his enemies.


Nothing of that sort.

What was really captivating to me was that there was a clear-cut method to his madness.

His home place was going to hell on a handcart and it was beyond the point of no return.

Practical and rapid action needed to be taken so that at least some of them could survive and his species lives to fight another day.

He doesn't stop with that.

He may/might have wondered "What IF other planets also faced a same-to-similar problem and they had no solution to resolve it?"

That could have probably led him to take responsibility to covet those building blocks of the Universe (at least in MCU!).

To give an unvarnished truth of how Thanos was projected in the film, he took the law upon his own hands as he objectively saw that the situation in his place was getting out of hand and took it upon himself as he solutioned that by getting his hands on the invaluable and potent stones, Thanos knows that he was, in fact, offering everyone a chance to live and breathe.

Hey...The way you are saying and citing things, it's like you are giving your whole-hearted support to this stark raving mad person.

If you didn't have this line of reasoning in your head, it's alright.

I will definitely give not just a line but paragraphs of reasoning as I still haven't finished the write-up yet.

In the end, you can decide for yourself whether I have wholehearted support for him or not. 

All I wanted to say is that when we look beyond the tunnel vision of our narrow-mindedness and put ourselves in the other person's shoes - whether it fits or not is a different story altogether (abysmal PJ!) - we can see with even more clarity as to why they are doing what they are doing.

With this food for thought, 

Let's deep dive further into this epic movie that is spectacularly created, chiseled and sculptured by the Russo Brothers in Part 2.

Much like Infinity Wars Part 2.

                                                       X---To Be Concluded---X

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