Wednesday, August 10, 2016

GoT Season 6 Wrap up: The Rocket just started exploding at the Right Moment - Part 1

"Why did Katappa kill Baahubali?" - This question transcended all boundaries - political, religious, caste and other yada yada yada - and was chanted like the sacred Gayatri Mantra by people from all walks of life who used their Sherlock Holmes' brains to decode this conundrum by placing themselves in the Director's shoes. I am still not sure.....whether his shoe size would have fit many! Overlooking my pathetic joke, I can see your confused faces through my screen as to what relevance does Baahubali has got to do with GoT. You will know the answer soon. 

A himalayan earthquake measuring on a Richter Scale of 20 shook the Internet to its very bare foundation in a positively disastrous manner when Snow was laid down on the snow as Season 5 drew to its gory close. All the survivors (Read:Fans!) screamed only one single question with one voice "Was Jon Snow really dead?". Just like the ubiquitous Katappa question was being hollered all over the net, Snow being alive or dead circled the world at a pace quicker than QuickSilver! Though the much agonizing wait for Jon's fate was revealed earlier this year, people are still waiting with bated breath for the other big thing. Rumors are that BB2 will be released on April 28, 2017. So, BB2 fans. Sorry for the inconvenience. You have to clench your teeth and scratch your head for some more time to get your riddle cracked. And Oh! You also got the reason why I brought up Baahubali's reference in the previous para. So, all's fine and dandy!  Let's get started with our important matter at hand.

Prior to the premiere of Season 6, there were reports that the budget for GoT had breached the $10 million dollars per episode. Personally, I did not find anything that grand or worthy for such a gargantuan expense to be incurred for the first 7 episodes. In fact, the show was heading towards a cataclysmic and irreparable disaster had it not been for the identity proclaiming "No One", the classy "The Battle of Bastards" and the simply lost-for-adjectives and indescribable "The Winds of Winter". The finale saved the almost sinking Titanic by helping her to reach the shores not only safely but also with galores of appreciation showered upon its captains and crews alike for stupendously steering this gigantic vessel intact, unharmed and with great honor.

S6 E1 continued with the last thread left behind at the end of the previous season. The resurrection of Kit Harington by Melisandre was no surprise at all as she was the only person who possessed the inexplicable and supernatural powers of the Lord of Light. The real question which was bothering me for one full year was "How soon?". The answer to that simple question was clarified in Episode 2 though it was really a sort of anti-climax in the way he was brought to life. In the blink of an eye, Jon opened his eyes and revived from his deep sleep by the Red Woman. What he does with his new life was answered quickly enough when he promptly executes those who assassinated him on charges of treason and rallies for troops along with Sansa which ultimately culminated in "The Battle of Bastards" thus helping Sansa to reclaim the fallen Winterfell into their hands. It was truly a rejoicing moment not only for me but for the countless Starkians when Winterfell's rightful Coat of Arms was raised up. Sansa should have the right mind atleast now to change the name of Winterfell to Wintergot! Once again apologising for my poor joke, on a more serious note, Oxford should consider rephrasing 'From Rags to Riches story' as 'From a Bastard to the King story' for Jon being accepted as the King in the North though he had a very timely help from an extremely unexpected person. I will cover that most important part later.

Being on the topic of "The Battle of Bastards", I am sure Ramsay Bolton would have realized by now that Karma is really a BITCH, literally! In one of the earlier episodes, he had his own half-brother to be savagely eaten by his blood-thirsty hounds. I was aghast on seeing such a heinous act though inherently I knew it was all an act! Ramsay was devil incarnation in human form and there had been many a day where I wanted to thump him for all his monstrous actions. It was indeed a fitting poetic justice when he was torn apart by his ravenous dogs at the episode's conclusion. Likewise, Wun Wun wonderfully won won my heart with his heroic sacrifice by breaking open the strong, sturdy and cannot-be-broken-heavy gates of Winterfell. Truly, "The Battle of Bastards" was then legitimately wun, pun is wickedly intended!

Discussing about dogs, The Hound made a sudden appearance like a sneaky subliminal ad and butchered those who brutally murdered his saviors.  After that, he vanished like a wisp of smoke. Just like how the vestigial organs in our body do not know for what purpose they exist, Rickon Stark is also one such character. I am still wondering why he did not swerve to his left or right when Rickon was running towards the riding Jon Snow before he was killed by one of Ramsay's arrows. Nevertheless, I am also left wondering how many people actually pitied for Rickon's death other than Jon Snow even though Sansa foresaw her brother's death like Professor Trelawney!

But, what really opened up my limitless possibilities of endless thinking was the death of the gentle and highly loyal 'Hodor'. Bran's visions are constantly shown throughout the season including the hint of confirmation of the most popular R+L=J fan theory. During one of his visions, he unintentionally wargs a young Hodor when they were attacked by the White Walkers and the hordes of wights. I was over the moon when I saw the White Walkers once again in full action but this time it is even better and yes, Bitter too! The action sequence made my blood run cold, again pun intended!, and visually spectacular. The brightest part was that it stretched close to fifteen minutes with the saddest part being the only pure soul in the show finally succumbed to Bran's new powers. GoT is already teeming with Dragons, White Walkers, Lord of Light and other political developments that are literally happening everywhere. The last thing that we want on our plates is time travel to complicate the already densely complex story. With this, I tearfully bid adieu for now and say "Hodor Hodor Hodor" three times to commemorate the brave person because of whom Bran lives to fight another day.

As ever, the points mentioned above are strictly my standpoints alone. No one is to be held accountable other than me.

                                        X------------------- End of Part 1---------------------X

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