Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Good Dinosaur - Pixar Keeps up their GOOD work....again!

The Rain Gods had stopped their downpour for the city to recuperate and stand on their feet after they had vented out and unleashed all their strength over Chennai in the past one week. So, its Business As Usual for everyone apart from the Army & the myriad volunteers who are ferociously helping the city to gain back her usual strength again. So, I would like to give a heartfelt salute to those selfless individuals before jumping into the review of The Good Dinosaur.

Pixar has always had an element of magic in them especially coming from the highly innovative stables of Steve Jobs. They have weaved in their meticulous enchantments through stellar films like Toy Story, Incredibles, Wall-E, Brave, Monster's Inc & Monster's University, Wall-E, Finding Nemo, Up, Inside Out to the latest The Good Dinosaur. This year is even more very significant as it marked the only year since 1995 where two Pixar movies have been released to thoroughly entertain the audience - Inside Out & The Good Dinosaur. So, everyone knew that at least one movie would win the coveted Oscar for this year as no Pixar movies got released in 2014.

Intense. Deep. Emotional. A full family adventure with lots of laughs that is sure to keep the children and the adults completely engaged in this wonderful prehistoric ride. As far as the story is concerned, kindly rush to the nearest theatre to watch this visual spectacle of landscapes which seemed more real than a CGI. The rivers, mountains, forests, trees - they were literally as identical and indistinguishable from the actual forests, trees etc. which makes us to be simply amazed and dazed at the level of effort that has gone through to make the environment to be natural as possible. However, a small backdrop to the story - it's not new or ground-breaking as Wall-E or Ratatouille. Yet the director has managed to rope in enough resources to generate a screenplay that is sure to keep you away from your yawns and be happy when you walk from the theatres. Certain scenes in the movie were truly memorable and remarkable - for instance, the scene where Arlo explains what a family is & what became of his dad using sticks and the way Spot said his sad story in the same manner with the addition of throwing sand over the sticks was evocative and poignant moving me to tears. Similarly, the climax also evoked a strong emotional connect with the film and had my tear gland to swell open again. This is something which Pixar has been able to do something on a regular and consistent basis - Toy Story or Wall-E or Brave or Up. The only drawback was that the story could have been a bit strong and the VFX for the predecessors of T-Rex could have better. They looked much like the plastic models on the platforms! Apart from that, The Good Dinosaur is a story telling a strong friendship between a scared dinosaur and a critter and how the dinosaur eventually goes through his fears to come out of his fearful nature. Ultimately, it is Spot who had the Spotlight throughout the movie with his over cuteness and protective instinct for Arlo.

The Pixar mojo delivers again. It is no relevation!

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