If I were you, I would be intrigued by the way that the Part 1 Review ended rather abruptly.
If I were.
But, I am not.
Nevertheless, the kimono is revealed now.
Just like how some of the major characters like Dr. Strange, Black Panther, Drax etc. are vaporized in the sands, pun intended, of time and the film comes to a sudden, heart-rending and gut-wrenching halt, I also wanted to create a similar effect - But, on a positive note in the previous blog.
Needless to say, the ever-effervescent and upbeat Spidy vanishing before my eyes as he's in his half-finished convo with his idol and mentor - Tony Stark - was the biggest tear-jerker that it was like a sledgehammer slamming down my heart.
Probably, that would have been the case with millions as well.
I don't know.
What I know with certainty is that AIW was just perfect without any eggs overcooking the pudding.
Be it the interval where there was no sense of time being flown or post-interval where the real shockers were hurled one after the other like an accomplished artist throwing their knives at their partners in a circus despite the running time close to 150 mins.
The twist where Thanos creates an alternate reality using his stone when Quill & his Co track down him was a cracker-jack of a moment.
Whip Smart stuff!
Out of the blue thinking, or out-of-the-red? He he he he
If Loki and Heimdall being given a fitting and meaningful end did not make you say "What the", Thanos snapping his finger and shredding half the universe which included the biggies like Quill, Mantis, and even Groot would have surely made you heart-sobbing and kerchief-wiping "Holy Crap".
It was indeed strange for Dr. Strange to merely handover the Time Stone to Thanos when he asked for it particularly when he categorically dictated that he wouldn't even save the Iron Man or relinquish his stone at any cost in one of the earlier scenes.
Also, he says that there is only and only one possibility in the entire 14 million scenarios that he had envisioned during his access to the power of the stone where they emerge victoriously.
Maybe, losing then to triumphantly win in the long-term enabled him to handout the stone on Thanos's command?
AIW 2 holds the key to it.
Likewise, why was the Hulk couldn't transform himself into the big-Green monster even on Banner's repeated exhortation might be addressed in AIW 2 along with how Captain America was able to fend off the mighty and all-powerful Thanos with his possessions in place during the climax.
Speaking of the climax, I was having a great apprehension that with such a plethora of characters, the final sequences could be reduced to a shambolic catastrophe when I was watching the trailer.
But, the Russo brothers were super-smart to ensure that the audiences doesn't keep looking at their watches or smartphones by giving us parallel and multiple storylines happening with Iron Man on Titan, Thor to forge his Stormbreaker and the pulsating action on Wakanda.
That was rousing or should I say - RUSSOING - touch of creative genius by them to handle simultaneous riveting narrative arcs - all converging (excepting Iron Man) at one point - Wakanda.
They literally ensured that none of the characters were just a part of the cast but played purposeful roles in effectuating a worthwhile end - either to their lives by saving others or being alive still in the broken universe.
Some might aver that Hulk did not have a meaty role.
Au Contraire, he had.
He was being thumped and bumped around like a toy by Thanos in the earliest scenes of the film before he was frisked to Earth by Heimdall and everyone on Earth knew that he was the Strongest Avenger. Hence, when someone could manhandle Hulk in such a manner and Banner gives them a strong warning, could that person be ever taken lightly and slightly?
So, Yep. Hulk served his usefulness as well.
The Russo brothers splendidly and aplombly puppetted with the characters especially Thanos's minions.
The 4 adopted generals were given equal weight to carry out their duties to retrieve the Stones back to Thanos being fully aware that they would face his terrible wrath in the event of a failure.
As we are on the topic of failure, when the whole world is at a horrendous peril, Ant-Man and Hawk-Eye not being in the thick of the action but justifying they were elsewhere will be something that should have a sound logical connection in the next Ant-Man movie and AIW 2.
All said and done, Avengers: Infinity War beats their own trailers and other superhero films to a factor of 100x easily and effortlessly.
It had loads and scores of "That's-simply-mindblowing" visuals, rib-tickling humor, heart-thudding action sequences and a painfully & mournfully impactful finish that I am sure would have left everyone in an utter state of eye-popping disbelief and shell-shockedness.
As Thanos rightfully put forth,
AIW is also,
"Perfectly Balanced".
The two top-of-the-mind which I can recall clearly is the ones where Dr. Strange levitates in the air with plenty of arms stretched out like Maha Vishnu and Thor's valiant attempts to wield his Stormbreaker using the Death Star's power and then making an enhanced version of the electrifying (Check out: Thor Ragnarok) appearance on Earth.
PS 2:
Had you been questioning as to where I had given the reasoning for not writing blogs in the last one month, please do check out: The answer. Yep. That underlined link.
PS 3:
The dialogues had always been a staggering forte in the MCU's arsenal.
Some of my personal favos are:
a) Tonk Stark saying "dude..you are embarrassing yourself" when Hulk in unable to transform.
b) Quill's insecurity towards Thor when he was around Gamora.
c) Drax's imperceptible motionless ability and Mantis destroying it in an instant.
d) Stan Lee's epic "Have you never seen a spacecraft before?"