Sunday, August 9, 2015

Penitence - The confessions from a lackadaisical

Soccer is the most popular and watched sport in the world with more than 3.3 - 3.5 billion fans across Europe, Africa, Americas, Asia etc. The spread and reach of Soccer is such that it is estimated that this high octane sport is played by over 250 million players in at least 200 countries. The numbers are mind boggling. But, there is just another game in the world which trounces Soccer in terms of the sheer magnitude of the numbers and is played by most of the 7.3 billion world's population on a daily basis. The game's name is blame and it is the most widely acclaimed universal sport that is played by men and women alike at one level or the other at some point in their lives.

The most overused and trite expression for escaping the consequences of our action is to say " I did not have time to do so and so activity". How many of us would have said this in our lives till now to different stakeholders - mom, dad. brother, sister, teachers, friends, relatives, pets, managers, bosses and the endless list can be kept on listed endlessly! Writing has always fascinated me as it gave me the complete freedom and creative scope to explore the abyss of my subconscious to be innovative in my expression. As a kid who used to devour comics and then moved on to fiction, I have always had the penchant for writing. Being an active blogger during my engineering days , I found out very recently and acknowledged, accepted, admitted and confessed that it had been more than 720 days since I had written something new - something fresh - original - to uphold the magnificent greatness of this admirable art. Though I had been conceiving an interesting story line to pen down for my new blog, never even in my wildest dreams I was aware that the 720 days had vanished like a wisp of smoke.

When I was in the know that it had been more than 2 years since I had a blog entry against my name, my first reaction was "Time - the unpardonable culprit". Then, instinctively, my intuition bell started to ring and I understood very clearly that it was I who was culpable and punishable for my negligence in discharging my rightful duties to this sacred art. The only problem with me was that I used to update my blog whenever I had an interesting experience - seen, heard, read or experienced personally - in my life and then weaved into an intricate story. When I started to time travel in my memories, I realized that I could not mentally see even a single, tiny and an iota of instance that was remotely close to the spelling of interesting. It was then I had another bout of monstrous epiphany. I comprehended the indisputable fact that the involvement in my professional work and studies had made me to perceive life as one dimensional - wake up, eat , work hard and sleep, thus forsaking the natural occurring exciting events that were unfolding right before my eyes and nose. I felt I had been isolated and shut off amidst the thick of happenings and understood that my right brain ceased to exist for the last couple of years. I remembered Lord Krishna's majestic and eternal voice in the Bhagawad Gita " Self-knowledge is the fire that burns away your ignorance and enables you to think crystal clearly". He was right. He has always been right. I realized that instead of idling away my free time even after a tiring week's worth of work, I can very well put in enough efforts to be more productive by whetting and honing up what I love to do most.

Just like how Birbal used to point out Akbar's mistakes in his own humorous and witty style, I realized that I need to be my own jester to take full responsibility for all our intentional and unintentional wrong doings to make a difference in this world.

This may not be a story. Slowly but surely it gave me the perfect opportunity to write again to vent out and liberate my repressed feelings after I discovered my folly , thus marking it to be one of the most interesting and insightful days of my life.

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